Facebook threatens new data megascand


The social media giant has canceled all contracts and agreements with the data badysis firm "Crimson Hexagon" (headquartered in Boston).

In recent years, the company was processing public data on Facebook for its customers, including a Russian non-profit group with close links to the Kremlin, but also many US government agencies.

Breaking: Crimson Hexagon has the largest collection of Facebook publications outside the Mark Zuckerberg Society. According to the "Wall Street Journal".

For Facebook, Boston's data sorter operations were difficult to control because the company mostly erased the public lists. They are then collected and sorted into databases

Insiders claim that so-called "contracts" with government agencies were not previously authorized by Facebook. Crimson Hexagon also used "apps" to collect data, which were immediately banned by Facebook and Instagram.

The technology company announced "thorough investigations" on the possibility of further misuse of user data. As it was also known that in at least one incident in 2016, private data of Instagram users due to a software error in the company landed.The new potential scandal comes a few months after Facebook because of the Cambridge-Analytica case at the Mark had been shaken: The private data of 87 million users had been evaluated without their consent. The company also supported Donald Trump's election campaign.

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