Fan rage too big! Shaqiri miss Liverpool in Belgrade – Football


It's sure to be a pbadionate duel! Tuesday (at 18:55), Red Star Belgrade will play Liverpool FC in the Champions League. The "reds" give up on Xherdan Shaqiri – although the Swiss are neither blocked nor beaten. The reason is his Albanian descent, as explained by coach Jürgen Klopp.

Champions League Final: Real against Liverpool

Shaqiri stays at home

"We love him and he will play a lot for us, but not on Tuesday," Klopp explains on the Liverpool homepage. Reason: "We have heard about speculation and discussions about Shaq's good reception, and even though we have no idea what's going to happen, we want to focus 100% on football and not think about other things. thing." That's all.

Albanian in Belgrade

In the Balkans, the origin of players plays a significant role. The supporters had not announced in advance that Shaqiri would be warmly welcomed. Zvezdan Terzic, sports director of Red Star, said: "Personally, I can not imagine an Albanian playing for Red Star, Red Star is a Serbian club, Partizan was Yugoslav, I think Shaqiri will be subjected to incredible psychological pressure, because he knows where he is going, he knows that the red star is a symbol of Serbia. "Conclusion:" Red Star will do everything in its power for Shaqiri to feel here at football and he is our duty to protect it in unwanted situations, let's be good hosts. "

Klopp pulls the emergency brake

An announcement that worried Klopp well – and ended up leaving the emergency brake. "We are Liverpool, a big club, a football team, but we have no message beyond, no politics, absolutely not, we want to focus on the football game, without anything else We want to be respectful and all Avoid the distractions that distract a contest of more than 90 minutes. "And what does Shaqiri say himself? He badures: "I was already booed at the World Cup, I can stand it, it's not a problem." Nevertheless, he hears Tuesday only the hymn of the Champions League on television.

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