Fans collect money for Kylie Jenner, the reason is hard to believe


Los Angeles (USA) – Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian's half-sister, is one of the richest people in the world.

  Kylie Jenner should not have to give up her first billion.
Kylie Jenner should not have to give up her first billion.

According to the latest Forbes list, the 20-year-old has a fortune of $ 900 million through her own cosmetics line (reported by TAG24).

If she broke the $ 1 billion mark in the next three years, she would be the youngest self-taught billionaire of all time. Until now, this "title" was held by Facebook's founder, Marc Zuckerberg, who, at his first billion, was "already" 23 years old.

Jenner fans do not really want to wait long, so they support an action that makes people doubt common sense. They collect money! For a multimillionaire!

They want to ambad the missing $ 100 million through a fundraiser to elevate their idol to the "throne". The campaign "Let's go Kylie Jenner to a billion" (Let's say Kylie Jenner) appears like a joke and was actually conceived as such.

Comedian Josh Ostrovsky, also known on Instagram as "The Fat Jewish," wanted to help him with the last 100 million dollars. "I do not want to live in a world where Kylie Jenner does not have a billion dollars," he wrote on the crowdfunding site "GoFundMe". "That said, it is extremely important," he wrote. On Friday, the gag had already raised a good $ 250 from some 30 donors

The call was shared 11,000 times on social networks. And the donations were actually received.

Only the amount gives reason to hope that there are not many people who are throwing their money at a multimillionaire, instead of giving it to the underprivileged. In the first three days, 113 people gave a total of 1743 euros.

He has not yet announced whether Ostrovsky will actually send the money to Jenner or to any other cause.

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