Fans riot in Rostock: a police officer fired a warning shot


Rostock – Before the FC Hansa Rostock cup match against 1.FC Nuremberg, rioting took place on Wednesday in Rostock. As the police said, during an argument between two smaller groups of supporters of both teams, a warning shot was fired. Nobody was hurt. About 350 Nuremberg supporters were arrested, the police noted the personal details.

According to a police spokesperson, several hundred supporters of 1. FC Nuremberg had already arrived in the morning and thus several hours before the start of the match with the coaches in Rostock. According to initial police findings, individual groups traveled the region in the triangle of the shipyards, met with supporters of FC Hansa and provoked them.

The police managed to separate the successive groups. In one case, an official fired a warning shot. The reason was unknown until the night. It is necessary to wait for the investigation of the criminal police, communicated the police.

311 supporters of 1.FC Nuremberg had been arrested. According to information, among others, 99 dark objects, 52 pyrotechnic articles and four knives and bats disguised as credit cards have been secured. (AP)

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