FC Augsburg: FCA waits on hot days in second training camp – FC Augsburg ++ Latest News ++


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The Augsburger's second training camp should give temperatures of up to 35 degrees. Training ranges are reduced, but not because of the heat.

  Lagner.jpg By
Wolfgang Langner

When talking about football nowadays, it is mainly about Mesut Özil. More recently, the midfielder has announced his resignation from the national team for well-known reasons. Of course, this story also Manuel Baum, the coach of the football club Bundesliga FC Augsburg, followed by the media. "I think everyone in the World Cup ended up being a loser, I feel that both sides are saying a lot about it right now, and if you follow all of that, it's not going to happen. will be only losers on both sides, "says Baum.

FCA does not work well everywhere [19659007] But FC Augsburg coach has his own problems.Tuesday, some players missed in the exercises Baum called the group very "manageable." Among other things, Caiuby was missing.The Brazilian, however, did his job in the catacombs of the stadium. "In the test match against Olching, he had a blow on the knee. He is inside riding a bike and can then be treated, "says Baum. Newcomer André Hahn has not been seen. "He is missing for private reasons," said Baum.

Romario Rösch and Jozo Stanic were posted to the U23, who played Rosenheim on Tuesday. In the stress test were next to Caiuby also Jan Moravek, Simon Asta and Marco Richter. The FCA was allowed to train at the arena for the first time on its third turf pitch. Baum could not find a special feeling here. He sees the extension with pragmatism: "This is nothing but the other places. But we can make it more cumbersome. Especially in winter, we can take turns. On Friday, FCA goes to its second training camp in Längenfeld, Austria. The day before, Baum tests his team against rival Borussia Mönchengladbach in Rottach-Egern.

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Before departure, the exercise units were dosed a bit last. "We had two blocks in preparation, the first was for football-specific endurance and now we want to tackle the subject of switching and there the intensities are higher and the perimeters in the lower workouts." Baum explains: In practice, this means: instead of two hours of training 70 minutes of full-power.

After the Gladbach match, the team will spend the night in Rottach-Egern and will will return to Austria the next day, the Alfred Finnbogason World Cup driver should be the only Friday to join the team, he will be in Augsburg on Thursday and will then have to take a stress test

Then, the FCA will probably know Hot days: Weather experts talk about an extremely hot summer with up to 35 degrees of heat. "This is exceptional and suits us to reduce the scope of the workout. Moreover, it does not matter. On the weekends, we can not choose to play in the good or bad weather, "says Baum. Sufficient breaks during these days are extremely important for the coach: "The last four days have been good for everyone. The break between the two was important. We will do two more days of rest after the training camp. Speaking of reducing training volumes: On Wednesday, FCA will train only in the morning. Baum explains the reason: "I'd like to see players resting against Gladbach on the ground."

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