Also in the 46th year, the Nestroy Schwechat games are combative: In "on the ground floor and on the first floor" he went on Saturday night to the first in the courtyard of Rothmühle Castle (Rannersdorf) back to business. With harsh social criticism and bitter humor, Nestroy's farce is part of the hour.
12:12, 01 Jul 2018
The Courant Gag of the Evening, Grandma Schlucker (Sissy Stacher), who does nothing that reading in the chair, sometimes gives the start – "Wos is? – And always with the grumpy answer "Nix!" is considered. As if it was the quintessential bile of agitation: the excitement everywhere, ultimately, the inversion of conditions, ultimately, everything stays the same – or it's even worse.
Just this day, held in Vienna, a union rally against government work schedules and, given the nationally planned business meetings, the substantive backgrounds were obvious. According to Statistics Austria, the proportion of people at risk of poverty in Austria is 18.1% of the population.
Nestroy already shows that bars are curved at the top, poverty and despair reign supreme. However, skepticism is also appropriate: speculated, intrigued and manipulated is from top to bottom. And when the inferiors appear, they turn into new prototypical rich in an instant. No trace of social romanticism, the role reversal does not change the basic structures, it is the disillusioning message.
Longtime director Peter Gruber once again provided a compelling staging of Andrea Bernd's stage with his mixed set of pros and layman, telling the action perfectly simultaneously, adding quick and instant stanzas for the verses. not on a humorous opera Quodlibet in the second part.
Otmar Binder on the keys makes scented sounds. Franz Steiner gives the haughty speculator Goldfuchs, Erwin Leder his Tandler counterpart on the ground floor, Bella Rössler to his Sepherl separator, Florian Haslinger to a fraudulent secretary. It should not be forgotten that the Nestroy ensemble based in Schwechat sets up exemplary productions for the actors year after year without paying any fees. Always in the cultural field, there is just "flat land and first floor"
Around the games Nestroy is still a support program on the wallpaper with breakfast Nestroy ("In the basement and mezzanine", a sequence On July 22nd and 29th, a cabaret evening with Thomas Franz-Riegler ("Jammast eh") on July 19th and the Nestroy will be held at the Schloss Altkettenhof forensic education center, this time from July 3rd to 7th, the question: "Tell me, who are the people?"

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