Fight against AIDS: Week of HIV testing in Bavaria


According to the Bavarian Ministry of Health, there are still too many people living with HIV in the free state without knowing it. Often years can pbad between a virus infection and a diagnosis in the doctor.

AIDS infection: especially young people at risk

It is therefore important to get tested, said Health Minister Melanie Huml, CSU. Because only those who know in time, that he is infected, can protect themselves and others. The Minister of Health specifically calls on young people to systematically protect themselves against the syndrome of AIDS immunodeficiency:

"The risk of HIV infection should not be underestimated, although AIDS can now be treated, but that it is still not curable." In the age group of 20 to 35 years, the infection rate is particularly high. "Minister of Health, Melanie Huml, CSU

HIV infections are detected too late

According to experts, about 20 to 30% of those affected are infected with the HIV virus only at the AIDS stage. Due to these late diagnoses, the treatment prospects of the immunodeficiency disease are less favorable. The Free State has provided about 3.7 million euros in the only current budget in 2018 to further contain HIV.

HIV test week 2017: three out of 1,103 samples are positive

The week of the HIV test is coordinated by the Bavarian Center for Prevention and Health Promotion (ZPG) of the Bavarian National Office of Health and Food Safety (LGL). Last year, during the test week, there were 1,103 HIV tests in Bavaria, of which three were positive.

As a rule, the blood sample is taken from a vein after a consultation. The result of the test will be communicated personally after five to seven days. Written confirmation of test result is not possible due to anonymous testing of health authorities.

11,700 Bavarians are living with HIV

According to a recent estimate by the Robert Koch Institute, about 340 people in Bavaria were newly infected with the HIV virus in 2017 – of which about 280 men and 60 women. In total, more than 11,700 people were living with the IH virus in Bavaria at the end of 2017.

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