Finance Ministers pave the way for the euro at first in Bulgaria «


If it goes after the finance ministers of the euro area, Bulgaria will soon put on the common currency.

21:09, 12 July 2018

  Soon, it would be possible to pay in euros in Bulgaria
Soon, it would also be possible to pay in euros in Bulgaria © Fotolia

Bulgaria overcame an obstacle to becoming a member of the euro zone. Finance ministers of the common currency said Thursday that they would support the EU member joining the European Banking Union

Belonging to the project to improve the stability of banks is considered the first step towards the introduction of the euro in Bulgaria. However, it may still be years before reaching this point, as there are still many obstacles to overcome [Ministre des finances de l'UE] Hartwig Löger (ÖVP) said before the start of the meeting Wait for the European Central Bank. The only consideration to join the banking union could take more than a year, said the director of the ECB Benoit Coeure . Bulgaria should therefore apply as soon as possible.

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