First defeat of the Los Angeles Ram: Michael Thomas draws attention on his mobile phone


New Orleans –

The New Orleans Saints brought the Los Angeles Rams their first defeat in the NFL. Quarterback Drew Brees won the much-anticipated 45-35 meet, while Brees scored four touchdowns.

His opponent Jared Goff had three shots in the end zone, but he also had an interception. The Rams are now in 8: 1 wins, the Saints at 7: 1. Broad receiver provided Michael Thomas of the Saints for the conversation.

After a touchdown of more than 72 meters, he recovered for his jubilee an old phone folding in the padding of the goal bar.

History of jubilation

Thomas, who set a new record for his club with 211 yards in jail, imitated the legendary celebrations of former Saint Joe Horn: In 2003, the pbadport receiver had celebrated the same fate after a win against the Giants from New York.

However, he regretted this jubilation: a 15-meter fine for unsporting behavior and a $ 30,000 fine from the NFL.

(Sid / JVE)

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