First sales figures for T-Mobile Austria / UPC «


Following the acquisition of the UPC cable operator in Austria, T-Mobile Austria presented for the first time a joint turnover. In the third quarter of 2018, the telecommunications company had achieved a turnover of 289.1 million euros. Prior to the buyout, sales of T-Mobile Austria in the third quarter of 2017 amounted to 222 million euros.

In addition to the integration of UPC Austria, due to the conversion of accounting rules to IFRS 15 (International Financial Reporting Standard), the result is not directly comparable to the same quarter of the previous year, said the mobile operator Thursday in a press release.

In December 2017, T-Mobile Austria announced the purchase of the first cable provider in Austria, UPC Austria, to UPC's parent company, Liberty Global. Following the approval of the European Commission on July 9, 2018, the transaction was finalized on July 31, 2018. The purchase price paid in cash to the Liberty Global cable company was raised to 1.8 billion euros. "It's the most expensive cash investment of Deutsche Telekom for 10 to 15 years," Bierwirth said in early August at a press conference. For all other acquisitions, the German parent company was hit by an exchange of shares. In the spring of 2019, the UPC takeover should also be visible, then there will be a new brand "under the umbrella of the T," Bierwirth said.

The UPC Austria group is now fully consolidated in the consolidated financial statements of T-Mobile-Mutter Deutsche Telekom. The two companies in Austria will become an integrated provider of mobile and fixed broadband Internet, mobile and fixed telephony, digital television and entertainment.

T-Mobile Austria has invested about 64 million euros in the third quarter of 2018, for a total investment of 139.1 million euros in 2018. Investments have been made, among other things, in extensions. capacity of the mobile network. In cooperation with UPC, T-Mobile Austria had more than 7.5 million lines in the third quarter of 2018.


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