Fit through the summer despite hypertension


  Good exercise despite high blood pressure

Moderate exercise strengthens image: colourbox

Good exercise despite hypertension

Heat can cause unexpected problems in hypertensive patients.

July 2018 – 00:04

"At first, it seems that people with hypertension have the best cards in summer, because the heat dilates the blood vessels and therefore the blood pressure decreases", says Franz Wakolbinger, internist of the state hospital Schärding. What looks like very good news, however, has its pitfalls.

Extended periods of heat or temperatures that suddenly increase, as in a hot car, quickly lower blood pressure. The expert warns: "There are severe headaches and vertigo, because the heart no longer pumps dilated blood veins into dilated veins, especially those with weak hearts."

The Council Medical: In the summer more often control the blood pressure. If the value often drops below a systolic value of 110 millimeters, it may be necessary to adjust the medication with the family doctor.

If you want to exercise in the summer, you should do it with the doctor's agreement. Sport helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and lower blood pressure permanently.

"Well, especially, sports that bring moderate endurance stress, including any exercise that you can easily regulate like the Nordic, are good. Walking or swimming Light weight training also has a very strong effect. positive on blood pressure, and people with hypertension need to pay special attention to their fluid balance during the summer months.Some blood pressure medications have a desiccating effect.back to health «


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