Football: Bendtner, Rosenborg striker, sentenced to 50 days in prison


Copenhagen / Paris (APA / dpa / Reuters) – Denmark striker Nicklas Bendtner has been in prison for 50 days. The decision was taken by a Copenhagen court on Friday. The fact that the 30-year-old aggressor Rosenborg Trondheim, the opponent of the European League, who is in Salzburg, must actually go to prison is not yet certain, because he did appeal of the verdict. He remains at liberty until the day of the hearing.

The court found that it had been proven that the Danish kicker had beaten the taxi driver so violently during a dispute on 9 September that he had notably had his jaw broken. The severity of the injury is also a reason why the sentence is not suspended, the court said.

Rosenborg has distanced itself from Friday's incident. The consequences for the staff should not exist. "We think this is not good for the club and for Nicklas, but he remains our player," said Rosenborg CEO Tove Moe Dyrhaug.

Marco Verratti has also come into conflict with the law in France. The Paris St. Germain midfielder had too much blood alcohol during a road check Wednesday morning. According to "The Team", he was allegedly placed by the police in a sobering cell, then released.

What penalty he has to wait is not yet clear. But on another level, the PSG has already fined the 25-year-old Italian. Verratti must give up part of its monthly "ethical bonus", the club said.

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