"For Helmut Werner, I left my friend"


Nicole and Helmut have already cracked after the jungle camp. Playmate and actress Nicole Mieth (27) joined the 2017 season when RTL reiterated "I'm a star – get me out of here". Artistic director Helmut Werner was present for Florian Wess in Australia.


The picture gives Mieth an interview about his love. For Werner the young man of 27 years even emigrated to Vienna: "I feel that we are harmonized professionally and personally, and that it is the love of my life.

Great Conversations

He was said to be really serious between them when they met more often for recordings of celebrity dinners: "We had great discussions and immediately found a level. more to do with each other, it became more serious.So serious as she left her then boyfriend and moved to Vienna to Helmut.

The most beautiful woman

Professionally, Mieth , who was voted one of the 100 most beautiful women of the last 45 years at a Playboy birthday, is doing well: "I made a new comedy and I am in the middle of the night. a movie. "If it became empty, it would not be a problem for the relationship, because:" Jealousy is not a problem for us, so I do not want to exclude anything. "

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