Formula 1: "The time for me": Vettel aspires to rest


Abu Dhabi (APA / DPA) – At least in the area of ​​family planning, Sebastian Vettel would have some advice for Lewis Hamilton. "If you need advice, I know how to do it," said Vettel at the end of the final Formula One match with a mischievous smile. In fact, pilots should say what they do during the break. "Another baby?" Hamilton asked. "Is done quickly," retorted Vettel, father of two girls.

If the title of Formula 1 for Vettel in Ferrari but also done so fast. 2019 is the next attempt, it is already the fifth of Vettel. And again, Hamilton will be the reference. The Brit creates in the Mercedes, what he does, Vettel in Ferrari does not do it. With the sluggish success of the last race of the season, Hamilton "the ultimate proof of his superiority", judged by the British "Telegraph". "I wanted to finish the season because I plan to start the next," said the five-time champion 112 days before the 2019 opening race in Australia.

Vettel wants to use this time mainly to extinguish. "What I'm really looking forward to doing is reducing everything, I need a little time for myself," said Vettel. This year has consumed it. It was heavy and exhausting, said Vettel.

But it is not quite done yet. Tuesday and Wednesday are in Abu Dhabi, test the tires for the coming year. Vettel is then placed with Charles Leclerc, a colleague of ten years younger.

The pressure on the four-time champion, who had won his last world title at Red Bull in 2013 and at the end of August, the last of his 52 victories in the race, is anything but toned down. In addition to the new competition in his own team and the constant improvement of Hamilton, Vettel will also be pressed by Valtteri Bottas and Max Verstappen. Finn Bottas is fighting for a winless year for his future in Silver Arrow. Verstappen wants to be driven by the new Honda engine to victories.

"I can be better than sometimes this year," Vettel told Abu Dhabi. Five wins were won against Hamilton, eleven-time winner, who after the premature triumph of the World Cup in the third and final race has not declined, but too little. Vettel refers again and again to the role of his team. As a group, you have to come out stronger from the break. It sounds like atmospheric repairs.

"I think I have no problem admitting mistakes – of course, I have to watch some things gone wrong," Vettel said. On the other hand, do not complicate things. "I do not think I have to reverse the situation now," said Hesse.

And so he wants to use the break when it finally comes after the tests and some other commitments to breathe. A little work on old bikes, a lot of time with family, friends. Like Hamilton. "Unfortunately, I still have a lot to do until mid-December, but I can not wait to spend the winter," said the Briton. "The championships last longer and longer, the more these phases are important," said the 33-year-old. In terms of family planning, he wants to leave but remains rather in the "free practice".

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