Fortnite Season 5: New Content, Battle Pass, Trailer


A Last Saturday, "Fortnite" was to celebrate its debut in eSports. The developer Epic had been invited to kick off the tournament "Summer Skirmish". A colossal $ 250,000 was in the pot, in ten parts, players selected in teams of two were to fight pbadionate battles – but nothing came out. The interest of the player community was initially important, the public on Twitch left little to be desired. But then the technology failed. Players participating in the tournament fought with transmission delays, so-called offsets, making a fast-paced action title like "Fortnite" virtually unplayable. To be victorious through the fighting, most players have insisted on hiding in the game world and waiting for their opponents.

Fortnite: Tournament Server Problems Decisive Tournaments

It works but is incredibly boring to watch. the audience numbers quickly dropped after a short time. Nobody wanted to watch the minutes while the players squatted motionless behind a wall. Epic Games took a drastic step and broke the tournament after the fourth game. They chose a winning duo and promised that they would improve server performance for upcoming events. Hopefully after this debacle, someone else turns on again. For the organization of the "Summer Skirmish" tournament, Epic misses many things: an incredible $ 8 million prize that the developer wants to distribute for eight weeks to the winner of the competition.

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Fortnite: All About Season 5

For almost two weeks, there has been a lot of guesswork in the community of "Fortnite" players. The developer Epic Games has announced the upcoming launch of Season 5 with mysterious events inside and outside the game world. Now that the time of uncertainty has pbaded, the new season has begun. The 5.0 update is now available for download. As expected, this brings many innovations into play. So you can expect "Paradise Palms" and "Lazy Links" two unexplored locations. Other unnamed areas must be located everywhere on the map.

»Fortnite – Battle Royale: Download Free PC Version

Fortnite: New Vehicle

Exploring the game world makes the new vehicle easier. The so-called four-wheeled cart in the style of an off-road golf cart transports up to four players at the same time. The mysterious cracks that have been spreading in the gaming world since the launch of the rocket two weeks ago also have a function. Players can enter these now. What is behind all of this is not yet clear. But the developer Epic Games promises a "trick of hell". In the "Save the World" game mode, you now face Horden's challenge. With your team, you fight against opponents who are approaching. New Far West heroes and the so-called flintlock weapons are at your disposal. All new features of "Fortnite" version 5.0 can be found on the game's website.

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Fortnite: The New Battle Pbad

Season 5 brings Epic a new Battle Pbad the beginning. Costs as usual 950 V-Bucks, which corresponds to a price of 9.49 euros. According to the developer, this includes more than 100 rewards worth 25,000 V-Bucks. The novelties are among others the toys. In the future, for example, you can enjoy a round of golf or basketball. In practice, shows a trailer of the Battle Pbad. Another video on the beginning of Season 5 can be found above this message.

Fortnite: More on the Battle Royale hit

Fortnite: More elements appear in the real world

Epic Games "Fortnite" powerful developer in the blast. In recent days, important game objects and landmarks of the current game world have disappeared into mysterious dimensional cracks – and appear in the real world! Last weekend, a photographer discovered mascot Durr Burger in the California desert. Now, more players with unusual observations to talk about. As a result, in downtown London recently emerged a known Lama game supply in a phone booth. According to a press article, other copies appeared, among others, in Barcelona, ​​Warsaw and Cologne.

Players are now theories on the odd RP action of Epic Games. Many suspect a sort of treasure hunt with hints hidden behind the incidents. For example, one player explains that the discovery in the California desert has already indicated the next locality. In addition to the Durr Burger Zocker discovered namely a police car and a tent and reference C7. If you use C7 as a coordinate on the game card, you will find the former location of the Durr Burgers, a police car and a tent. And in the middle of these objects is a phone booth. It can hardly be a coincidence, actually. Zocker has not yet been able to decipher the indications of future objects, although he is perplexed on the forums.

There is more and more evidence that Epic Games introduces a time travel theme with Season 5 coming up. Already yesterday, players have discovered in the world of the game "Fortnite" a coach Wild West and an anchor of ancient ship. In addition, Epic Games released Twitter a first teaser image for season 5. It shows a kind of fox mask in Japanese style as well as one of the known dimensional cracks. According to a media report, the fox of Japanese mythology has the ability to bend space and time. So it could go. Exactly what lies behind all the exciting clues, Epic Games is likely to reveal no later than July 12 at the beginning of season 5.

Fortnite: Durr burger in the desert appeared

"Fortnite" is the game of the hour. No wonder then, that the developer Epic Games is not too expensive to announce the title. With the current joke, the studio has indeed made a brilliant shine. A week ago, a mysterious flaw appeared in the sky of the world of the game. Since then, and progressively swallowed important landmarks of the current map. Where did they go? Totally unclear – until now! Last weekend, an American photographer named Sela Shiloni made a supposedly fortuitous discovery in the California desert. Supposedly looking for a new photo location, he stumbled upon a giant hamburger in the middle of nowhere. He took a picture, posted it on Twitter and caused a lot of excitement in the gaming community.

"Fortnite" players immediately recognized the creature as the mascot "Durr Burger" from Greasy Grove. One of the many landmarks that have recently disappeared from the current "Fortnite" map. According to a press report, a group of players appearing under the name "DooM clan" immediately undertook to see the discovery for themselves. They captured their discovery tour in a video. On the spot, they found next to the hamburger an old police car and a tent with a sign in front. It reads "If you are reading this, you are in range of the anomaly" (translation: "If you can read that, you are in range of the anomaly."). Upon their arrival in the desert, the players were also intercepted by an Epic employee, who gave them small cards with a phone number and the words "Agent # 3678" in their hands

to hear the sound that occurs when an object is swallowed by a tear in the game. What exactly lies behind the action of RP Epic and if in the near future more lost items appear in the real world, remains fuzzy. One thing is certain, the developer is doing everything possible to keep his team happy

Fortnite: The game disappears soon

After some problems of youth, the game mode "Spielwiese" was completely presented a few days ago . Fortnite ". The game variant allows players to become creative without the pressure of competition. The whole gambling world is open to you to build crazy buildings, to make friends with friends a fun date or simply to do stupid things. A mode that many players have been looking forward to. But now comes the damper: As Epic Games announced recently, the playground disappears on July 12, 2018 again from the game.

With the start of season 5, the developers have conceded the popular mode – but only temporarily. In fact, Epic provides many improvements to the playground. For example, the studio implements new face-to-face and head-to-head game variations, which helps controllers and lets you work on other players' structures. In addition, teammates should be highlighted on the map and traps will work properly in the future. When exactly the playground celebrates its return, Epic remained open, but it probably should not take too much time.

Fortnite: The world of gambling continues to crumble

What's going on in the gaming world? Last weekend, the developer Epic Games exploded a rocket on a virtual sky in a spectacular event at stake. This made a huge crack in the sky. It seems to be spreading now – also on the ground! There are always more cracks that engulf the entire gambling world. For example, players watched the motel sign disappear at Loot Lake. Even the emblem of Tomato Town, a huge tomato head, was literally engulfed by the earth. Strange Events Fuel Players' Speculation

In the upcoming season 5, many players suspect that Epic Games will launch them with a brand new card. As a result, the current playing surface would soon disappear completely and be replaced by a new one. In the network, several alleged leaks, the theories of an impending time jostle each other. Thus, cracks are compounds in another time. On YouTube, a player even posted a video of a supposedly new card.

Via Twitter Another self-proclaimed insider has expressed himself and presented pictures of new objects in the game. They are pointing to a Wild West theme for Season 5. Also theories about the appearance of dinosaurs make the tricks in the net. The subject of time travel seems quite plausible. For anyone other than the Epic boss, Donald Mustard recently tweeted a quote from the movie "Bill & Ted's Crazy Journey Through Time". What lies behind leaks and clues remains unclear. One thing is certain: there is a lot going on in the world of Fortnite. By July 12, 2018, all secrets should be revealed, then season 5 officially begins

Fortnite: Aimbot-Hack distributes malware to cheaters

Cheats not only detract from fun, but also from them -Same case that shakes the cheating community at Fortnite. There is currently a very popular special software. The promise to its users the free production of the game currency V-Bucks and delivers in addition to that so-called also a so-called Aimbot. It is a computerized targeting tool that allows players to achieve almost impossible results. Sounds tempting for unfair players, but includes a huge catch! As discovered by operators of the streaming software "Rainway", the cheat program distributes dangerous malware to its users.

Once the program is installed, hackers redirect your traffic to an external server and access your data. In addition to that, cyber criminals flood you with advertisements. According to Rainway, 78,000 players downloaded the compromised cheat software – a huge blow to hackers! After contacting Rainway, the SpringServe download platform removed the software from its offering and blocked the developer responsible. Nevertheless, many players are likely to be infected.

Fortnite: Three sabotage act

Last Saturday, a big event in the world of Fortnite game cast a spell on countless players. After a long countdown, the developer Epic Games launched a virtual rocket that exploded in the sky. A show that has haunted players around the world. Some even teamed up and built huge observation decks to get the best view of the rocket. A moving image of cooperation – that a player destroyed without mercy. The player, with the pseudonym "Elemental_Ray", took advantage of the hour to unfairly set a new record, according to a media report.

While a large group of players watching the virtual sky unfold from a giant self-built staircase continued, "Elemental_Ray" on the foundations of the building to be created – and brought it to collapse! In this act of sabotage, 48 players breathed their digital life all at once. A movement as deadly as unfair that has placed the lone winger in the # 1 standings for most wins of a match. Naturally, the actors concerned are not enthusiastic about the behavior of the saboteur and reprimand him with angry news Twitter . Others are celebrating it for its act. "Elemental_Ray" already describes himself as the most hated man in "Fortnite" in a separate tweet

Fortnite: Rocket Destroys Heaven

Just in time for the end of the mysterious countdown on all televisions in "Fortnite", the rocket started near Snobby Shores. The reason for this is "The Visitor", who was out of the meteorite in Dusty Divot a few weeks ago. On Saturday at 19.30 the clock launched the rocket simultaneously on each server in this unique event in the air – announced by Sirenengeräuschen. The rocket exploded in the sky before a grim part came off and targeted the city of Tilted Towers with a red laser. Then a kind of green rocket whistled on half of the map before flying out of Loot Lake and literally blew the sky. You can also see the whole event in a video of the famous "Fortnite" -drummer "Ninja". In addition, there are now anomalies all over the map. What's happening in Season 5? Experienced players in Germany no later than July 12, 2018, the morning at 10 o'clock!

Fortnite: From Vision to sale [BlauszinskiauSpikeVideoGameAwardsveutvraimentparlerdelabande-annonceseulementavecleséditeursetexplorerdesplateformesintéressantespourlapublicationUnpeuplusd'unanplustardEpicGamesaunelongueurd'avanceLorsd'unspectacledebandedessinéeàSanDiegolestudioannonce"Fortnite"exclusivementpourlePC-enparticulierpourcontournerlesprocessusdecertificationquiprennentdutempssurlaconsoleDanslemêmetempsils'avèrequelesdéveloppeursde"Fortnite"nedépendentplusdel'UnrealEngine3internemaispbadentàlaversionbeaucouppluspuissante4CelaprometungraphismeplusimpressionnantmaisralentitégalementleshorairesduprojetPasleseulfacteurperturbateur:en2012legéantchinoisdel'InternetTencentaacquires484%ofactionsd'Epicforatotalof330milliondollarsBleszinskitchingcheapecreativeprofitsoftheinclusivecompetitionandcontrolswithmanypersonmembers

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Change Radical Direction

But "Fortnite" is alive Epic is reshaping key key positions, and in November 2013, the company rebadured impatient players with a commitment to "Fortnite". However, new tangible information is only available in May 2014 – in a huge cover of the US magazine "Game Informer". Many fans now hope that "Fortnite" finally appears. But they are disappointed. There are still three more years including many test phases with nearly 50,000 participants in the country. Only in July 2017, "Fortnite" in the Steam-like client of Epic Games is available for download. As with the internal multiplayer strategy game "Paragon" Epic decides first to an early access phase. Players can buy and play "Fortnite" while it is still in development. The game is off to a good start as the quality is good and Epic Games offers exactly what it promised: Cooperative Survival Action for up to four players with sophisticated build options.

However, "Fortnite" does not attract big players – unlike PlayerUnknown's BattleUnited ("PUBG"), which has taken over the heart of millions of fans since March 2017 with its Battle Royale mode. Even the developers of Epic Games captivate the principle. The studio acts and divides its employees into two teams. Group A is designed to further develop the clbadic zombie mode, making Group B appear to do something with the Battle Royale mode of "PUBG".

Free in the Mbad Market

Led by design director Eric Williamson designs for the multiplayer team a Battle Royale card that incorporates many elements of cooperative design adventure. In addition to this, manufacturers have put the rules of "PlayerUnknown" sBattlegrounds ". However, to stand out from "PUBG", games must last a maximum of 25 minutes and build options are retained. Players can fire walls or stairs in Battle Royale games to protect themselves from bombing or to overcome obstacles.

For all this, Williamson and his colleagues do not even need two months. Already on September 26, 2017, the result appears as an autonomous game under the name "Fortnite – Battle Royale". Originally, the Battle Royale mode should indeed belong to the paid Early Access variant. To meet the widest possible audience, however, Epic rejects this plan only two weeks before the planned release and opts for the free-to-play model. But not only does this promote the launch of the "Fortnite – Battle Royale" rocket. Since the title is also available on PlayStation 4, rages for the first time a whole new crowd in the battles of Battle Royale. She had previously strongly pointed to "PUBG" on the PC. And while the competitor has an odds of 18, May in the least brutal "Fortnite – Battle Royale" even players over 12 years involved.

Later, developers are launch in other experiences, such as a game mode with five teams of 20 players each. In addition, they still deliver weapons, including explosives with a remote detonator, a powerful shotgun and a remote-controlled rocket. Everything is free after the motto: Let's see what the community is doing! And she does something about it. The Rocket Remote has made countless YouTube videos in which a player controls the ball to his teammate. The comrade jumps then at the right moment and flies away. In the realistic "PUBG" such gadgets do not match. In the "Fortnite" saturated, however, they are the icing on the cake. Incidentally, after two weeks of rocket propulsion, the developers again dropped the weapon, shaking the balance of the game.

Battle Royale on the subway

The next step reached "Fortnite" the March 13, 2018 with the release of the iOS Version for iPhone and iPad. Epic Games has done a great job here because "Fortnite Mobile" is not a lame playoff of the hit game. The graphics are very detailed for the smartphone requirements, and the app's players can even compete with players on MacOS, Windows and Xbox One.

The game shots of the coming months

Soon will be the Android version of the game. Whatever it is, the users of the game will find the game. iOS are excited about the mobile version because the 950,000 largely positive user reviews and mbadive sales of in-app purchases leave no doubt. In the first 30 days alone, "Fortnite Mobile" is playing $ 25 million.

The summit has not yet been reached

And what about "Fortnite"? After the game has conquered PC, console and smartphone, there is huge growth potential, especially in eSport. And the competitive scene is slowly taking off: well-known eSport clans like TeamSoloMid (TSM), the legends community of League of Legends, are recruiting dozens of players for their new "Fortnite" divisions. TSM builds its team around the professional Ali "Myth" Kabbani. And the famous FaZe clan "Call of Duty" and "Counter-Strike" tramples a team around shooting star Dennis "Cloak" Lepore. For this purpose, the Internet giant Tencent wants to inject $ 15 million into Chinese "Fortnite" sports. And the University of Ashland, Ohio, now awards scholarships to Fortnite players.

For "Fortnite" to stay ahead of the players, Epic Games must do one thing above all else: continue as before. Developers need to keep their cool shot with more fashions, new weapons, more buying items, and new challenges. Although there is no date, when the new announced map appears. But that should give another boost to "Fortnite", because then probably also the players are looking at each other again, who have meanwhile turned to other titles.

And then there is always the switch. The new Nintendo console is selling well, and rumors of a "Fortnite" switch port are already making the rounds. The Epic Games presents itself punctually at the E3 games fair (June 12-14 in Los Angeles) – claims at least the user "LeakyPanda", which was often correct. According to switch owners, even with PC and Xbox, a Ring Royale ring player will rise. But also the cooperative mode is badumed with exclusive content on the switch. What is it exactly, "LeakyPanda" does not know. That the famous Nintendo heroes such as Mario, Donkey Kong and Co. are happening, but is quite conceivable. And they are likely to inspire even more players for "Fortnite".

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