Furious Passing the hatred of love | Nachrichten.at


The furious love hates

"Ermione" to Erl: An unknown opera became a triumph

  The furious love hates

Modern and coherent staged Photo: APA

A jewel, hollowed and fresh polished. And brought back to glitter. It's the "Ermione" balance of the Tyrolean Erl Festival, where the eponymous, largely unknown "problem child" of the pen of Gioacchino Rossini came to an sold-out performance on Friday night. . The opera around the sinister cycle "madness of love" has become a considerable acclaimed triumph. The reduced design of the stage designed the Leondinger Peter Hans Felzmann. He built as the only continuous constant a series of LED sticks that gave special light stimuli.

"It's a piece that even Italians do not know," says Gustav Kuhn, conductor and musical director of the operas. Highlights – the work was more or less forgotten after its premiere in 1819.

In any case, Erler's performance contributed his best and make "Ermione" back to the hearts of fans of # Tragic opera burn. Rossini 's superbly presented and brilliant music, combined with a meticulous staging of the "Furore di Montegral" artists' group, resulted in more than one work win for all participants.

Kuhn has created a soft and lightweight rug with his Festival Orchestra The story is a special blend of a spiral of deadly love of revenge, (hate), fear , despair, anger and jealousy, and plays after the death of the child. The case of Troy in the Trojan War

Info: Continuation of the performance on July 13; Telephone 0 53 73/810 00 20; www.tiroler-festspiele.at

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