Galaxy X: foldable Samsung phone to celebrate its premiere at CES 2019


The cell phone only appears in small numbers

Samsung flirts with the release of a foldable smartphone for years. Now, the market launch of the baptized by Galaxy X mobile phones is finally determined. According to rumors, the smartphone will be premiering at CES in Las Vegas in January 2019. But you probably will not be able to buy it.

  Samsung was already dreaming of a smartphone with a collapsible display at CES 2013.
Already at CES 2013, Samsung was dreaming of a smartphone with a foldable screen. (Source: Samsung / Youtube)

For the first time a concrete date circulates for the presentation of the Galaxy X as expected in the net. Samsung will unveil the smartphone at CES 2019 (January 8-12) in Las Vegas, writes the US online magazine PhoneArena, referring to a corresponding contribution from generally knowledgeable industry insiders IceUniverse on the Weibo Chinese platform .

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The sale will begin in February. Great hope of getting a foldable Galaxy X, but you should not do yourself. As PhoneArena writes, Samsung will only produce 300,000 to 500,000 copies of the phone.

Galaxy X appears only in small numbers

Due to the small number of parts, it can be badumed that Samsung only sells the smartphone in selected markets such as China or South Korea. Similarly, the South Korean builder of his time was also at Galaxy Round proceed. The smartphone released in 2013 was one of the first curved screen devices and is similar to the Galaxy Note Edge as a forerunner of the Galaxy X.

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Galaxy S10 (Plus): all the rumors at a glance Article All the rumors at a glance Net a bunch of rumors about the Galaxy S10. NetWorld keeps you informed in this article of all rumors about the successor S9 and evaluates their credibility. Read Now

Apart from the foldable screen, the Galaxy X could be identical to the future high-end Galaxy S10 smartphone. As usual, IceUniverse will celebrate its premiere at the Mobile World Congress in February in Barcelona.

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  1. Guest Commentary ·

    Both manufacturers are too expensive and bad: D

  2. RedChefHat ·

    That's what I want to see Phahaha will definitely be broken after a while display or be worn

  3. Benjamin Groothoff ·

    If Samsung releases this device, it's a revolution for the mobile phone market. Similar to the first iPhone. They do not need an "X" to position themselves against the iPhone. Apple just would not be up to it. To be honest, I do not understand why every flagship product of all manufacturers should always be compared to the iPhone, because of the iPhone killer and others. As I said, the first iPhone was a revolution. But since then, Apple is still automatically ranked No. 1, no matter how innovative or just not so innovative the new generation is. Just worry that Samsung foldable phone is priceless.

  4. Green Raindrop ·

    "Samsung soon cooler than Apple" XD
    The title should read: "Samsung cooler than Apple all the time!"
    I do not understand the hype about Apple … only embarrbading

  5. Customer Reviews ·

    The Removable Battery Is Super Important, After All, The Bank Of Food is not a good alternative.
    And a flat screen that is really flat is not like the S7 where there are no proper slides for which it is very important to work.

  6. Comment from the guest ·
  7. Customer Reviews ·

    I also see it this way, we do not need a software that saves energy, but a bigger battery and more capacity. .. every day to charge the phone is not optimal … I would prefer a 3 times thicker cell phone, but only twice a week need to charge … then fits a better lens in the mobile and the twilight and the night photos are much better

    1. egglriedlweg2 ·

      Take a look at the Oukitel K10000 Pro. It's also great for 5 days without charging is not a problem.

  8. Irrlicht ·

    Why should you be able to change the battery?
    Keep the load between 15 and 80% and if you really need it, charge up to 100%.

    1. Comments of customers ·

      If you can "really" need? I need it every day "really" and I would like it to pbad the day, but it does not succeed.

    2. Guest Commentary ·

      Because the number of charge cycles of a battery is about 500 – 1000 , vorgestzt a discharge depth of less than 50%. Higher unloading depths mean faster wear, as well as a popular fast loading technique.
      After that, the battery is undesirable and has to go out.
      Since I want to use a device between 5 and 6 years old, switching from one Android to the other is a disaster, at this point the battery needs to be changed at least 2-3 times.
      This is why a removable battery is extremely important.
      Who does not need this option, good for him, but for whoever needs it, it is worth the gold.

    3. Comments of the guests ·

      The pbadage from one to the other of other androids is a disaster ??? But probably only because your device is already 5 years old 😉 With Smart Switch, for example, this is done in 1-2 hours.

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