Game for "ordinary people": death calls his Jedermann to Mondsee


Game for "ordinary people": Death also calls its Jedermann to Mondsee

MONDSEE. Spielgemeinschaft continues to preserve the traditional staging during its 37th season

  Game for

Saturday, the premiere of Mondseer Jedermann. Image: OÖN / Unterengsbacher

For 37 years, Jedermann's reputation has resonated on Mondsee's summer evenings. In 1981, after a break, the game operation was resumed. Since then, the union – which now has about 110 members – is on stage every summer.

Jedermann of Mondsee was created in 1922; In addition to that of the 1970s, there was a break during the Second World War. And although it was nearly 100 years ago, the big changes stopped at the Jedermann. At least in terms of performance. Because "this mystery game lives from its tradition," says Ute Lechner. She is the head of the Spielgemeinschaft, responsible for overall management and faithful to the whole for 60 years. "We did not want and did not want to make big changes to the staging, and the lyrics are original – as the poet Franz Löser wrote it."

Dialect-Jedermann für alle

With Mundart-Jedermann you also wanted the game accessible to "ordinary" people. "The visit of the Salzburg Jedermanns was at the beginning of the 20th century, namely only for the affordable upper layer," says Lechner. Franz Löser then wrote the Mondsee Jedermann, also known as the "little man's feast." Hugo von Hofmannsthal, the author of the Salzburg Jedermanns, found the Mondseer version good and approved

The Mondseer Jedermann quickly gained fame: "It is hard to believe that there is another Jedermann near Salzburg. … it's a happy theater! ", said theater director Max Reinhardt, who saw the Mondsee Jedermann in 1933.

Nothing has changed in this popularity until today.Ute Lechner is satisfied:" The annual increase in the number of visitors testifies that our room pleases, that it is thematically more relevant than ever and that it pleases a lot of people and that it also concerns them. " can also be due to the pbadion that each individual brings to the gaming community. Everyone involved in their role, we take the game very seriously – and during the season there is no holiday: we have everyone. "

Information and dates: www.mondseer

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