Gathering at DAX: Fed boss Jerome Powell secures profits on equities


Stock Market Gains
Dax Rally – President Powell Releases Benchmark

  Stock Market Rally: Dax Continues Recovery


Rally Börse : The Dax continues its recovery

The Dax is clearly increasing. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's statements provide a resumption of the stock market rally. Dow Jones and Nasdaq also increase

The Dax
Stock Market Chart
resumed Tuesday after a long run without direction at the end of the session. As badyst Michael Hewson of broker CMC Markets saw the weakening of the exchange rate of the euro as well as the statements of the chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell.

Finally, the German advanced index maintained a 0.8% increase to 12.661 points. He was only slightly below his daily high and accelerated his recent recovery. At the end of the session, the Dax even climbed above the 12,700 mark, as the Dow Jones US stock market chart and the Nasdaq stock market chart also boosted earnings

. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell: Powell stressed the need for further gradual rate hikes in the United States. He continues to see favorable conditions for a growing economy.

Powell contradicts Trump

In addition, Powell said that the EU was not an enemy of the United States in his opinion and thus contradicted the statements of US President Donald Trump.

The other German indices were also up: the MDax stock chart shows the average size The company grew by 0.75% to 26,681.47 points, also because of the positive business figures of Hella and d & # 39; Evonik. The TecDax tech stock index gained 0.34% to 2,851.64 points

EuroStoxx's euro zone 50 disappointment index finally shook its previous lethargy: it dropped 0.24 % to 3457.50 points. Trade. The national indices of Paris and London have also increased.

Dax Realtime: Here you can see Dax, Dow Jones and other clues in real time

ThyssenKrupp on the rally: Investors speculate on the smash

Some investors hope that after the outsourcing of steel business, the way will now be opened for further restructuring of the industrial group. Some investors even speculate on a breakup of the traditional group.

In the Dax
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The ThyssenKrupp stock market took the lead with a jump of 9.13%. After the departure of CEO Heinrich Hiesinger a week and a half ago, the announced resignation of Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ulrich Lehner was welcomed by investors

. Here, a deterioration of US investment bank Wells Fargo. Adidas is under pressure in two directions: Nike's business is booming in the high-end leisure shoe segment and the Vans sports shoe maker is currently enjoying great success in the $ 100 range.

MDax: Hella and Evonik Bulldoze

In the MDax stock chart, Hella was one of the investors' favorites with a more than 4.50%. The automotive supplier and lighting specialist alleviated fears of the consequences of the international trade dispute with solid key data for the past year. Hella has greatly benefited from new trends in the industry, such as autonomous driving.

The course of Evonik's action is also well behaved, gaining 4.38%. After growing in the first half, the specialty chemicals group is now more optimistic for the entire year. According to badyst Oliver Schwarz of Warburg Research, the influx of promised cash is important above all else. Some badysts have recently criticized the development of the influx of funds and have therefore indirectly questioned the level of the dividend.

The euro under pressure

The euro was put under pressure after initial gains, eventually falling to $ 1,162. Previously, the European Central Bank (ECB) had set the reference price at 1.1707 dollars; the dollar costs 0.8542 euros. A weak common currency tends to depreciate the products of local businesses for buyers outside the currency area. On the bond market, the current yield rose from 0.17% Monday to 0.18%. The Rex bond index dropped 0.04% to 141.45 points. The Future Bund wins 0.11% to 162.88 points

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