George Clooney: Stressed by her twins? That's the solution


George Clooney was not ready to raise children at his age. To make life easier, he now has the perfect plan.

How many babysitters do you need as a Hollywood star to raise twins? At least seven in the case of George Clooney.

Since George and Amal Clooney (40) have become parents, his life has changed completely. These are the twins Ella and Alexander (1). And that can sometimes be very stressful. "Sometimes I cry more than my children," said the 57-year-old man during an interview the other day, "sometimes four times a day because I'm so tired."

Fans eagerly awaited her: after the fall of her scooter, George and Amal showed up with their binoculars Ella and Alexander. The images with rarity value that we show you above.

Above all, when his wife, Amal, a well-known human rights lawyer, travels the world and leaves her alone with children, Papa Clooney is totally stressed. Among them also suffers the marriage of the dream couple. When Amal returns from his trip, good old George is often depressed, overworked and frustrated. According to the magazine "Life & Style", the couple slept once or twice in separate beds.

An insider told the National Enquirer that he had now found a solution to his baby problem and planned to hire seven nannies in each of his homes in England, Mexico City, Los Angeles and Italy. pay at least $ 70,000 a year to babysitters, or just under half a million dollars (about 435,000 euros).

The twins are therefore at least well cared for, and he can resume his hobbies and breathe new life into his marriage.

To the Clooney can also be romantic, as you can see in the video below.

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