Google boss threatens to register well with Android paid "


The decision of the European Commission to compel Google to offer its apps one at a time and no longer as an irresistible overall package could have far-reaching effects on the Android ecosystem. For manufacturers of Android devices as well as all consumers. After all, more than 87.7% of global users of Android. The fact that the operating system is offered for free and the full range of Google Apps could end the verdict. That's what the boss of Google, Sundar, points out in his article on the Google blog: "We made sure that the selection is more important and not reduced."

use and keep it. Meanwhile, Pichai continues, preinstalled applications can be easily uninstalled or disabled. The fact that Google can no longer offer its own applications in the bundle, however, shakes the Android build.

In 2017, according to Pichai, more than 94 billion applications have been installed on Android devices. Browsers such as Opera Mini and Firefox have been installed more than 100 million times; the UC browser even more than 500 million times. These numbers "contrast sharply with the way things were used in the 1990s and early 2000s, and changing or even adding pre-installed apps has become difficult and tedious," said Google's boss. The decision of the European Commission ignores the change of technologies and access to them.

A warning to consumers and manufacturers

"If manufacturers and network providers can no longer integrate our applications into their devices, it upsets the balance," Pichai writes cautiously. The boss of Google does not mention that a manufacturer like Samsung can continue to preinstall the entire Google App offer, if he wishes. Because of Google's verdict, it's no longer mandatory. He also writes that this model was also a reason to offer Android for free. "Until now, the Android model was based on the fact that we do not charge technology fees to manufacturers," says Pichai, expressing concern that the current decision could change that.

The writing of Pichai also be understood as a warning shot at consumers. The constant repetition of the balance set by the European Commission could mean that in the future, Android will be fired – in accordance with the Microsoft and Windows model – an operating system that will be offered for free after decades.

>>> Google- Contributed by Sundar Pichai


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