Google is waiting for the next billion penalty | TIME ONLINE


The European Commission wants
Google according to media reports this Wednesday with the next
Competition Penalty of plateau record. This time it's about that
Android Smartphone operating system. According to information from Financial
fine 2.4 billion of the proceedings
to "significantly exceed" the search for shopping
last year. the
was the antitrust sentence up here the highest in Brussels for a single

In addition to the penalty of one billion dollars, the commission wanted
also apply changes to Google's business model on Android,
posted the website in the night to wednesday
Call to informed people.

The commission had this
Android procedure was added in April 2015 and the Group
Year after accused of abusing its monopoly on the market. Google and parent company Alphabet reject claims
. The Android operating system is developed by Google. The device manufacturers can use it for free and also modify it. However, if you have Google apps such as GMail or Maps on the
Bring devices, there is

The Commission is disturbed, inter alia, by
that Android smartphone manufacturers integrate Google services
always want a complete set of eleven applications from the Internet group
bring to the devices. For example, Google would also come
Chrome browser and Google search devices, even if
For example, manufacturers only install the platform of the Play Store app
would. Google answers that a minimal number of applications is necessary because
Users can not use Google services if they are not.

In addition,
criticizes the Brussels authority for the so-called
"Anti-fragmentation agreement", according to the equipment supplier with
Google services do not work simultaneously with smartphones
Can sell Android versions.

A third antitrust case in Brussels against Google concerns the "AdSense for
Search ", where other websites include Google search masks
can. Among other things, the group limits the possibilities of this
Sellers to display Google's rivals advertising, was the

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