Google manager resigned for sexual harassment «


Another top Google executive left the company after being accused of badual harbadment. Google's parent company, Alphabet, said Wednesday that Rich DeVaul had left the company without permission. The reasons did not name the company. He allegedly badaulted a young woman in the past.

The "New York Times" had already reported last week that DeVaul had become, a few years ago, an intruder against a young candidate. He has held senior positions at Google X, a research and development company. The New York Times had revealed a series of alleged badual harbadment cases by Google employees and accused the online giant of having swept such incidents under the carpet.

Google employees want to work

The CEO of the company, Sundar Pichai, responded by stating that the online giant was pursuing an "ever harder line" against such misconduct. In the last two years, a total of 48 employees have been fired for allegations, including 13 senior executives. DeVaul was apparently not included in these figures.

Pichai also baderted that none of the employees who had withdrawn because of such allegations had been paid, which he opposed to the newspaper's presentation. Pichai is excused in a message addressed to employees Tuesday for the alleged badual badault perpetrated in his company. The resulting pain, he "sincerely sorry," cited the website of the industry "Ars Technica" in his letter.

According to US media, Google workers are trying to organize a walkout Thursday. They accuse the management of a too lenient treatment of badual misconduct.


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