Google wants to integrate Blockchain applications into its cloud platform


Google partners with Digital Asset to integrate Blockchain applications into Google Cloud. Developers can now create, test and live DLT applications directly from the platform.

Digital Asset [PDF] and Google team up to bring blockchain applications to Google Cloud. This allows developers to access tools and services to create, test, and deploy on-demand distributed registers and applications without preconfiguring the underlying platform.

The goal is to provide developers with a complete stacking solution said Blythe Master, CEO of Digital Asset. "This reduces technical barriers to the development of DLT applications."

Special Language for Smart Contracts

A small group of technology partners, software vendors, and financial institutions also have access to Software Development Kit (SDK) for Open Digital Asset Modeling Language (DAML). This allows developers to test blockchain applications with their clients. DAML is a specialized contract language, particularly used in distributed accounting applications for business processes. For example, it helps to write smart contracts. DAML is available to developers as Platform as a Service (PaaS) via Google Cloud. PaaS is proposed as a fully managed solution.
Leonard Law, Head of the Google Cloud Financial Services Platform, is pleased with this cooperation: "DLTs have great potential not only in the financial sector but also in many other sectors. "

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