Goran Djuricin criticizes Rapid's support


Goran Djuricin has been gasping since he left SK Rapid as a coach.

In "Servus TV", the 44-year-old stands out from his time and especially from his back when he returned from Hütteldorfern. Djuricin admits he felt "tremendous relief" the day after his breakup.

"But there was also sadness and sorrow, you can not cope with it so quickly," said the Viennese. In retrospect, he understands that officials have drawn a line.

"I would have liked Rummenigge and Hoeneß"

"After what happened to the fans and the media, this campaign against me, a lot of players have not been able to play freely, as one player told me, and I have probably put pressure on me for the club if it was not intentional, "Djuricin said.

However, it could have been better cushioned by fans and the media: "A lot of things were below the belt." In retrospect, I would have liked a Rummenigge and a Hoeness that would have spoken to me or another help would not have been so bad. "

Djuricin still does not believe that he has suffered so much. "I always wonder how I managed with that, my wife was happiest when she discovered that I was no longer with Rapid."

"There were racist things behind me"

He also admits several times his own mistakes. "I do not speak, I did not react well in two or three situations, but there were also racist things behind me, things were said, I could not restrain myself, so I 'm not sure. I reacted badly. "

In retrospect, the time for Djuricin was also very informative: "What I've learned is that no matter the pressure, you always have to keep your feet on the ground."

How is it going now? Among other things, I now give courses to amateur trainers, I want to share my experiences and ideas, I want to continue my studies, do my internships and expand my horizons. "

Text source: © LAOLA1.at

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