Gottschalk gives bets that …? -Comeback – TV


The Return of the TV Host is the 70th Anniversary – in May 2020. Then Thomas Gottschalk is supposed to host the once-popular program one night for the very last time.


Did you miss "Wetten, dbad …!?" with Thomas Gottschalk?

According to "Spiegel", the message has already been confirmed by the broadcasters. Gottschalk himself only lets align that his round birthday only takes place in two years. Until then a lot could happen.

There were rumors of a new edition since the end of the program. So now or in 2020, he should finally be ready. However guaranteed only for an evening, as he says on ZDF.

Moderate Gottschalk "Wetten, dbad …?" with some interruptions from 1987 to 2011. His successor Markus Lanz was not able to completely convince the public. The ratings have dropped steadily until the station finally stops the show in 2014.

Thomas Gottschalk in "Wetten, dbad …?"

In the net the message on the return of the darling of the public comes in any case well. In any case, many fans of the program express their anticipation for Twitter via Twitter for the last time "Wetten, dbad …?" with Thomas Gottschalk.

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