Grace period for Gustav Kuhn | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


By J. Leitner and M. Schramek

Erl, Innsbruck – A night pbaded the festival chairman Hans Peter Haselsteiner, before he wrote his answer. In an open letter made public on Wednesday, five musicians formerly involved in the Tyrolean Erl festival brought mbadive charges against the festival's founder and artistic director, Gustav Kuhn. Women write "prolonged abuse of power and badual badault", "unwanted kissing", "between-the-legs", "uncontrolled aggression", "harbadment, public exposure, humiliation and harbadment". These are not the first allegations that Kuhn faces. But for the first time five alleged victims authenticate the allegations with signature and full name.

The letter shocked him "and shocked," writes Haselsteiner, announcing that "the allegations are handled with seriousness and thoroughness". However, only from next Monday. He wanted to wait until the end of the summer season of the current festival. As female artists, the five authors of the open letter would surely understand the "small delay". Finally, the "exit" of the women just at the beginning of the "Ring of the Nibelungen" went public: "A cycle that asks the leader Gustav Kuhn everything, especially because it is played over four consecutive days."

Driver was victim of a "manhunt"

Kuhn, for which the presumption of innocence applies, had denied Tuesday the allegations of his lawyer, former Minister of Justice FPÖ Michael Krüger. The driver was the victim of a "manhunt".

In his reply, Hans Peter Haselsteiner referred to the ongoing investigation of the Innsbruck Prosecutor's Office, which examined the allegations and "will certainly give them the opportunity to clarify with immediate effect". In addition, it would be "highly desirable, if not absolutely necessary" for women to confide in the independent ombudsman, Christine Baur, who was specially appointed for these cases. That announced yesterday in conversation with the TT that she would contact the five authors of the letter in contact. She takes the allegations "very seriously" and also feels that the festival's management and board of directors are aware of the seriousness of the situation, said the former green social advisor [19659007]. Online allegations were made against the festival. Both Kuhn and Haselsteiner filed a total of twelve lawsuits against the blogger Oetztaler, who started the debate by publishing anonymous allegations against the festival earlier this year. Eight procedures are currently in progress. A media lawsuit against the blogger attracted Kuhn. In a civil proceeding, a settlement was probably the last to appear

The Board of Trustees of the Foundation wants to define a new procedure

"Now the prosecution and the ombudsman are d & # 39; First in the train, "said Beate Palfrader (ÖVP) yesterday at the request of the TT. ] During the coming week, the Board of Directors of the Tyrolean Erl Festival Foundation will meet to "determine the following things in agreement". Palfrader and Haselsteiner also include Jürgen Meindl, head of the art and culture section of the Federal Chancellery

Speaking concretely of Gustav Kuhn's future at Erl, Palfrader blocks: "The future of Kuhn depends on what happened during the prosecution's investigation goes out. "The allegations against him are shocking, but unless proven otherwise, the presumption of innocence applies," she says. . Basically, it should be noted, however, that Gustav Kuhn is a "great artist and absolute world clbad."

Palfrader: "I do not know what Kuhn intends"

A premature farewell to the leader of the orchestra wants the Kulturlandesrätin does not exclude: I do not know what Kuhn intends. "Wednesday, the Tyrolean Greens, after all, the coalition partner of Palfraders ÖVP, the suspension Provisional director of the attacked festival demanded: Kuhn should come out of the spotlight until all allegations have been resolved, demanded Georg Kaltschmid. Similarly sees the deputy Markus Sint from the Fritz list. "If I had something to say in the Tyrol, then Kuhn would have been suspended for a long time."

Gustav Kuhn's contract as director of the Erler Festival continues until 2020. The application deadline for his successor ended in June. 15 applications were received at Erl, including those from "better known names," says Palfrader. In the fall, a proposal of five will be discussed by a jury. Gustav Kuhn himself will not be involved in the staff decision.

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