Gregoritsch aims for the Champions League dream



Michael Gregoritsch proved his ability to score goals at FC Augsburg last season. With 13 goals, the Styrian was catapulted to sixth place in the scorers list of the German Bundesliga.

He had to take advantage of OPPORTUNITIES. This had to make the 24-year-old often on the field in his career often, when, for example, the chance to find a new club.

Somehow it is obvious that the donation club of the attacker, with which he socially weaker children "You are in a world of appearances in football, you train one to two times a day, you earn a lot for this, of course you are in the public eye, of course you are on Many is omitted, but I think it's important to stay on the ground and to make something, "says Gregoritsch in the interview LAOLA1

Gregoritsch on the background of Tor.Chance: [19659002] (Text continues under the video)

It also explains the approach , if even the next opportunity, namely for a change of club, should offer him.

It is likely to be interesting not missing. In the rumor, the player of the ÖFB has been badociated among others, Borussia Dortmund, Leverkusen, Mönchengladbach, Wolfsburg, Tottenham and Leicester [1965] 9009] His dream is no doubt: the Anthem of the Champions League


LAOLA1: Last week, you presented your donation club "Tor.Chance". It is often said that footballers live in a world of appearances. How important is it to deal with issues other than football and to think outside the box?

Michael Gregoritsch: "Tor.Chance" will be my big project in addition to football. Until now, most of the year, I have given a certain amount of what I have earned. At one point, the idea appeared to create a donation club. Then we can guarantee 100% that we know where the money is going and what projects we support. I got to know the proper connection to a donation club last season because my partner Andreas Luthe founded one. It was at that moment that I saw how much fun you can have when you can make others happy – and not always above the stage, with goals or wins. Because yes, you are in football in a world of appearances. You train once or twice a day, you earn a lot for it. Of course, you are in the public domain, of course you have given up a lot, but I think it's important to stay on the ground and give something.

"It's good to have this hype, but you have to put it can."

Michael Gregoritsch

LAOLA1: If you land in the German Bundesliga in the Top 10 scorers list, there is hype around a player. Is it hard not to let him get close to you and stay on the ground?

Gregoritsch: Right now, the people on the street are turning around, the children and partly also the adults come and want a photo or an autograph. That's what you've always dreamed about when you were a kid. It is important to enjoy it as long as possible. Above all, I can see from my father's friends that it does not last forever. They were also good players. My dad is also recognized very often, so I learned that you have to stay modest and grateful to accept as appreciation but can not be high. It's good to have this hype, but you have to put it well.

LAOLA1: Managing success and popularity is a topic that sets you apart early and develops strategies Perhaps because your father was in public? If you succeed, you sometimes make mistakes

Gregoritsch: I often have a vague slogan on it. This has already struck me once or twice, so I've formulated something too casual. I do not know if I can manage it in the eyes of everyone, but I think for myself that I am doing very well right now. However, if that did not suit someone in my environment, they would speak to me clearly. Here are my friends and my family's huge Ruhepol, these roots are the most important thing. With many friends, I have about ten years old, we met in Kapfenberg at the age of 14 and have been friends since.

"I do not think I have to pretend I'm not, that's what I like about players who do not pretend to be too happy to say things that I do not believe."

Michael Gregoritsch

LAOLA1: With your sometimes flippant words, you are also for that you are authentic. Many do not dare to do it in the era of social media. Is it increasingly difficult to be authenticated in public?

Gregoritsch: I try to stay as I am. Of course, this will always come up against headwinds, but in principle I feel comfortable if I stay as I am. Of course, from time to time you also have its quirks and quit, but I try to keep the best possible in the limits. And then, if there is too much slogan that gets too close to others, I have to either apologize, or keep it there and stay anyway. But I do not think I have to pretend. I'm not! For that, I also like players who do not pretend to be too happy to stand up and say things that I do not believe.

LAOLA1: How did Germany treat the media? good school?

Gregoritsch: I believe that Germany is a good school. However, it was generally a good school that I was away from my parents' house early enough. I moved at the age of 18 and I could not go home to dine quickly on weekends, but I had to take care of myself completely. Thank God, I receive a lot of encouragement for my development. It also makes me proud that people in me always see the guy Michi Gregoritsch and not always the kicker – and do not even think: "He's a good kicker, but unfortunately also a Häferl …" (laughs)

LAOLA1: At FC Augsburg, the kicker is also very well received. You scored 13 goals in your first season for the club. Was this the first season for you at the level you are considering?

Gregoritsch: I followed your triple chain on LAOLA1 and you are there after the end of the season In 2016/17, you said that you are particularly curious to see if I can finally make the breakthrough. That's when I said to myself, "You see, he's right." Because I had not yet made the right breakthrough, but I was still a bit of a adept, but I've never said ten times in a row. Thank goodness, I managed to Augsburg. I feel good and I appreciate the trust, I have a good relationship with the sports director and the coach. The environment is also suitable. I'll be home in four-thirty, my friends will be with me in four-thirty. Then I'm with "Hinti" (Martin Hinteregger, ed.) A good friend in the team I know forever. The overall situation went very well last season. I hope it will be confirmed next season and that it will expand step by step.

"In the second half of the season, I partially experienced that the players had been turned off for me, and that was not the usual coverage of the men until now." they were even better about me. "

Michael Gregoritsch

LAOLA1: I'm happy if I could help. It's hard enough to figure in the top 10 scorers list. Probably to stay there too. Is this still the goal – and ideally, maybe even stay there for years and be among the best Goalgetters?

Gregoritsch: This will of course be more difficult because more players will monitor me next year. In the second half of the season, I partly experienced that the players were parked for me. This was not the typical man 's cover, as they ran after me to the bathroom, but they looked better at me. For me and my personal goals, it is important that I confirm this achievement. Whether you have to measure that in addition, in less or in number of goals, I can not judge, but I would certainly still have a lot of time from the beginning. As long as I am allowed to play from the beginning, it means that I have succeeded for the team. But yes, the goal is to stay in the top 10, maybe go up one step or the other – and maybe make one more goal (smile).

LAOAL1: Forward wants more and more goals. Do you have to target a number of goals as an attacker?

Gregoritsch: Before reaching them, I always said that the goal of the ten scoring points is my goal. That was done relatively quickly last season, so I wanted to do the ten full goals. It was a success at the beginning of March, so I told myself that I wanted to score the goal of Augsburg in the Bundesliga. I did it too. Thank goodness, I come on many occasions, it has always been my big plus, I have always had a nose in front of the goal. Now is the time to make the most of my chances and score as many goals as possible. For a team, it's important to see offensives hit. If we succeed next season, I think the success of the team will go a step further.


Photo: © getty

LAOLA1: The name of your donation club is "Tor.Chance", we talked about goals and chances on the pitch, but in your career, you also had to take many opportunities to leave the field, in other words make many decisions. Augsburg is already your fifth club in Germany at the age of 24. Is it difficult to have good intuition when the luck of a new club opens?

Gregoritsch: Of course, there are more clubs on my autograph card than others might have in their careers. One thing is important to me: I do not want to stay in a club unless I feel 100% confident. In each club, I had 100% confidence in the two or three years that I was there. At the end of the season, they got together and asked themselves, "Will you have it next season or not?" For one or the other club, it was also due to transfer fees that I could not enter the Bundesliga possible, of course I had to do that. Overall, my clubs were great, but it was also important for me to go to the next step and feel that 100% confidence, because I am not a person sitting on the bench and who does not understand I'm sure I can bite myself. If I was allowed to compete, I always accepted it. Until then, I have not regretted any of my club changes. I am happy to have stayed in Germany because there was also the possibility of an Austrian return. I am also happy to have gone so early to Germany. It was a big step for the development of my personality. I think I have pretty much used my "Tor.Chance". Of course, I would like it to continue like this in my career, maybe even playing in a big club and staying for five, six, seven years. "

" For the next sentence, I like to pay the sentences: But you can set goals, and my next goal is sure to get into the Champions League with a club at one point. "

Michael Gregoritsch

LAOLA1: Augsburg currently enjoys 100% confidence, you probably do not need to argue, but what if the next chance comes?

Gregoritsch: Then you must be right with the club and ask, "Do you see the same thing as me? Do you have the chance to be happy with the transfer you generate? "Who knows if the reverse of Augsburg will not come to me and say," Look, we have an offer for you, which we really can not refuse. Can you organize with the club? "Everything is possible in football If I do not score in the first ten games, nothing is worth anything last season I'm happy now When something happens, you have to sit together and for the next sentence I want to pay in pig phrases: It's so fast, you can never plan anything but you can set goals.And my next goal is certainly that I will eventually come into the Champions League with a club [19659002] LAOLA1: You know well the games of the weekend, the international matches Tuesday and Wednesday are always missing.

Gregoritsch: Exactly .I did my first international match from the beginning, listening to the anthem.I had also heard the anthem of the Champions League from the beginning, I would have achieved a very good goal. my goal is to play more often within the equi national from the beginning, I also want to play as often as possible in the Champions League. Saturday-Wednesday-Saturday-Wednesday is a goal for the next few years and can even be saved once in the league for a European Cup match … (laughs)

LAOLA1: [19459007Howmuchdoesitcontinue?askforinformation?Isupposethataftersuchaseasontheywillaccumulate

Gregoritsch: I have to admit that, thank God, I have a consultant who selects that and who knows exactly what that I want. and what are my real goals. As I said, you can not plan anything, but we have set goals for years. Now it 's about choosing, talking to the club and being honest with the club. I think it's very important. My advisor keeps me that, that 's why he is currently very calm and I do not know anything officially … (smile) No, seriously: When something concrete, you sit together, but you do not have anything to do with it. do not need to talk before. There is already so much talk about football

LAOLA1: Let's talk about the national team for a moment. How difficult was it to miss the last run because of an injury?

Gregoritsch: I was pretty bitten by that. An injury is usually unpleasant, and then I missed the mini-WM. If you now see that two out of three opponents are in the quarter-finals of the World Cup, you would have liked to be measured with them – even if you did not expect both teams to be measured. I had contacts with other players and they told me how cool the experience was. I look forward to the month of September, when I hope to be there again.

"Now, I hope it will go step by step, and maybe I'll be the one on whose steps the next one should walk." Janko. "

Michael Gregoritsch

LAOLA1: [19459007YouscoredyourfirstinternationalgoalinLuxembourgThecompetitiondoesnotdiminishasMarkoArnautovicplaysmoreofteninthelead

Gregoritsch: From my first day in the national team, I said that my goal was to play and not to be there as a member of the team. 39; team. have a good time in Austria for ten days then return to the club. I want to help the national team too. In March, I licked the blood with the first game from the beginning and my first goal. Now, I hope it goes step by step, and maybe I'm the one whose next step should unfold. As is the case with Marc Janko

LAOLA1: Austria beat Germany. Germany then also disappointed at the disappointing World Cup. You could have fun in the cabin of Augsburg

Gregoritsch: I have no jubilation. I am the German national team exactly because I played against almost everyone. I can imagine that there will be a major shift in the DFB team, because some players will not be the youngest in two years. I am curious to know how German football and the Bundesliga currently behave, because there has been a lot of criticism in the Bundesliga recently because of the cup of Europe. There have been discussions about the 50 + 1 rule. You have to see how German football is developing now.

Source: ©

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