GZSZ: Olivia Marei takes on the new lead Antonia Ahrens


Potsdam –

offspring at GZSZ! The most famous daily soap from Germany has a new face. The actress Olivia Marei (28 years old) will take over the main role of Antonia Ahrens from Friday

"I love living elsewhere"

Born in Wiesbaden, she traveled a lot in her young life and traveled all over the world lived. The United States, Singapore, London and Berlin are among others on their housing list. "I like to live in other places and feel quickly at home everywhere! I moved from Vienna to Potsdam for GZSZ," says the 28-year-old in an interview with "RTL

They were accompanied by their fiancee Johannes and their son, whom she gave birth at the end of 2017. Gathering child and work is not so difficult for the young mother at the moment – because that she can count on the support of her family.

Read here: Surprise: This GZSZ star is nine months pregnant [19659007] "I get a lot of support from my family. At first, my parents were there for a few weeks to help with the move and babysitting because my fiancé was still in Vienna. Now he is here and we are already completely registered. When I turn, he is at home to look after the child and the household, "says Marei.

She enthuses for her fiance: "He's a great dad and he knows how to cook delicious meals. I'm really lucky! For me, the variety is great: I'm an actress and mom! That I can live my dream, even after difficult nights with little sleep, enough strength to go to work with joy and motivation! [19659909] New content “/>

A happy little family: Olivia Marei with her son and her fiancé Johannes


MG RTL D – Rolf Baumgartner

Problems with the family

Especially the family poses a problem for the role of Marei.

Antonia Ahrens, known by all as Toni, is the daughter of Nina and Martin and the sister of Luis.He wants to be in touch with her brother, but she can not not forgive his mother for having long defended.

The Ahrens family has serious problems – especially because of the martyrdom of Father Martin – all here

Marei describes his role as follows: " Toni completed her studies in Essen and came to Berlin in the Kolle Kiez to do a training. It's a hard and strong girl who can not be easily beaten. Toni is down-to-earth, knows how to defend herself and does not let anyone come close to him. At least, it seems so outside. But inside, she longs for her family and her safety. "

The beginning begins with Mother-Daughter-Conflict

From the beginning, this opposition is put to the test.Toni meets his mother for a long time:" My first scene of dialogue was with Maria Wedig, who plays Nina, Toni's mother. It was great! I already knew Maria from the casting and I knew we would get along well and harmonize well in the game. "

In their roles, the two understand each other but not so well:" But it helps the capricious restart of the relationship Mom-daughter Still not in the story. (laughs) "

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Olivia Marei describes her role as" strong and tense "


MG RTL D – Rolf Baumgartner

Spectators can therefore be expected to a lot of happy action with Toni Marei: "She fights for justice, would like to help others, but also seeks safety in her own family.Toni then unites the difficult woman she needs to be a professional and the girl, partly inexperienced and vulnerable that she is, I hope that RTL viewers can bring Toni to the heart as fast as I did in the last few weeks of filming! "

Looks like a lot of explosives that will keep GZSZ fans in suspense. 19659003] GZSZ almost every day since 1992

Since 1992, "Gute Zeiten, bad Zeiten" has been broadcast from Monday to Friday at 19:40 on RTL, at 19:35.

It is considered the most successful German TV series in the genre "soap opera".

In 2017, the cult series celebrates its 25th anniversary. On May 18, 2016, the 6000th episode was broadcast.

First there was no place to act

After the series played in an unnamed town in the early years, as well as the non-existent and with plaques d & # 39; AND registration reported, Berlin is now remembered as a place of action very often. 19659005] The panorama of the city is shown several times per episode, the districts known as Prenzlauer Berg or Tiergarten are frequently mentioned.

The events that are really happening in Berlin and are characteristic of this city, like the CSD, are often used at this time.

Attendance record of 6.73 million viewers

Episodes are still produced seven weeks in advance. On June 22, 1998, the 1,500th episode, in which the former Prime Minister of Lower Saxony and later Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD), reached the record audience of 6.73 million viewers.

Wolfgang Bahro (aka Jo Gerner) has been part of GZSZ since 1992. He is the one who is the longest of all actors – and so far there is no end in sight.


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