Hackers Brighten the $ 1 Million Bank – Multimedia


MoneyTaker hit again. The notorious hacker group managed to steal 58 million Russian rubles in July. Converted to their prey is just under $ 1 million.


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Victim of the recent robbery is the PIR Bank. Hackers had infiltrated a router in an outdoor store in May. They managed to infiltrate the malware and access the main network of the bank. On July 3, everything went fast: they executed transactions on 17 accounts of other banks. The money was immediately withdrawn from ATMs all over Russia. Following this, they blurred their digital track, as written the technology platform Arstechnica.com

20 Attacks Worldwide

The PIR bank noted theft, but it was already too late to cancel the transactions. The entire flight is undoubtedly the signature of the hackers, says the security firm Group-IB. The company had announced the MoneyTaker transactions at the end of 2017.

According to their badysis, hackers around the world have committed more than 20 successful attacks. Banks in the United States, Russia and the United Kingdom have been affected. The raids date back to 2016. Overall, the scam has already been captured more than ten million dollars

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