Happy birthday, Bitcoin! (Andreas Kern)


<img style = "width: 150px; height: 150px;" src = "https://wikifolio.blob.core.windows.net/prod-cms-media/624078/wikifolio-andreas-300px.jpg?width=150&height=150" alt = "Portrait Andreas Kern "data-udi =" umb: // media / 6dc0a03189d846a88cd0b6381a4e183f "/>

This week, Bitcoin cryptocurrency was ten years old. On October 30, 2008, a white paper titled "Bitcoin: a system of electronic payment between individuals" was published under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. The rest is known. The value of a bitcoin has gone from zero to around $ 20,000 in the foreground. It is currently estimated at about $ 6,300, which, according to the point of view, still constitutes an impressive trend in profits, or a loss of nearly 70% of the peak. Bitcoins were only known to the general public last year, when Bitcoins broke through the $ 10,000 barrier. New products, also based on Blockchain technology, have emerged. Anyone who uses keywords such as cryptocurrency, blockchain, etc., can expect to receive millions of dollars from euphoric investors.

Blockchain about gang

Blockchain on a gang

Meanwhile, the first hype continues. The scene is growing. ICOs ("coin offers") are under study and are now almost rare. The stock market regulators have been more intensively addressing the blockchain problem and initiating initial regulation. Despite the decreasing euphoria, there is still a good deal to say that blockchain technology will change people's lives. However, how and in what form is by no means certain. In the future, the topic may be more internal, rather than separate, in country offices. Then, the investor should invest indirectly, so to speak, on bonds.

Banks of the future

The financial or banking sector is a sector in which the blockchain will play a growing role. In this sense, Liru Lai ("LiruLai") is already positioned with the wikifolio "Liru Lai Next Banking Stars". The Chinese, who live in Germany, rely on companies that energize the banking landscape with new financial technologies or new approaches such as social trading. In this regard, it is not surprising that financial technology companies such as Square and Wirecard are overweight in their portfolio. Of course, technology heavyweights such as Apple or Alphabet are also represented.

Liru Lai Next Banking Stars

Along with Alibaba and TenCent, Liru Lai also holds shares in these two companies that have revolutionized payment in China – a clear indication that music in the industry is likely to play particularly well in the Far East. The very good performance of + 24.1% over the year also shows that stock selection is accurate.

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Industries of the future

But sectors other than the financial sector are likely to put more and more block chains into their business models. This technology should be used precisely in terms of transparency and traceability. From this point of view, it would not be surprising that many companies, which are part of Leon Sanders ("TradeMav") wikifolio "future industries", are positioning themselves on the Blockchain in the future. The Norwegian star of the dividend, Marine Harvest, for example, could guarantee the freshness and origin of its salmon, just as much as the Canadian Aphria can guarantee the purity of its cannabis products.

sunrise industries

Of course, Sanders also counts the values ​​of fintech among the industries of the future: Wirecard, the stock market favorite, accounts for about a third of wikifolios. With this objective, the qualified financial economist was absolutely right and rewarded himself and his investors a solid performance of + 37.6% over the last twelve months.

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Security for the future
Finally, the blockchain will make cybersecurity even more important than it already is. Although the Blockchain is (until) largely tamper-proof and secure, the infrastructure around the Blockchain is far away: phishing sites for ICOs are installed quickly and cheaply; Encrypted portfolios are slightly cracked and pirated encrypted exchanges regularly handle the negative securities. As a result, Dirk Althaus ("techguru") and his wikifolio "Cybersecurity Innovators" should be positioned.

Innovators in cybersecurity

It selects its securities significantly according to the product portfolio of the respective companies. Currently, two companies in the wikifolio are overweight with the US companies Splunk and German Secunet Security, which cooperate with the respective national governments on computer security. However, Althaus seems to be relying only on recent occasions on NASDAQ and Co. It keeps much of its powder dry. The cash ratio is currently 42%. The fact that Althaus has a good nose in terms of security and stock market confirms the excellent performance of + 35.1% over the year.

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What's coming?

Investors need to keep this in mind

Central to the attention of next week, the US "midterm elections" of November 6th. The election result will also decisively determine the continuation of Donald Trump's presidency.

From the stock market point of view, it is particularly interesting for the DAX, where several heavyweights publish their quarterly figures: the rounds open on Wednesday, BMW and Munich Re, followed by Siemens on Thursday and Allianz on Friday.

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Originally posted here: Happy Birthday, Bitcoin!


Photo credit

Bitcoin, http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-164975852/stock-photo-a-bunch-of-bitcoins-bit-coin-the-new-successful-virtual-money.html
>> Open on photaq.com

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