"Has been raped twice" "kleinzeitung.at


Twice, actress Elke Winkens has been the victim of badual violence. The actress revealed this in an interview in which she also takes a critical look at #MeToo.

17:55, October 29, 2018

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Trauma overcome: Elke Winkens is successful as an artist and actor. Here she is as a member of the Rateteams of the ORF show "What's New?" to see © ORF

The experiences were traumatic: "I've been raped twice in my life," says the actress and artist. Elke Winkens (48) in an interview with the magazine "News". The first time, she was 16 years old. The offender: a "distant acquaintance" whose family depended financially.

She had long suppressed the act, said Winkens in an interview: "I thought," It did not happen ". Four years later, another man died. At first, the trauma manifested itself in a "manly hatred" and brought it to have "a very miserable image of men" for a long time, says Winkens. "False", as she notes it today.

The therapy helped her to get rid of "this sacrificial thing". "All men are not guilty," said the actress today. That's why she disrupts reporting on the moderator ORF Roman Rafreider extreme. The journalist is accused of physical and mental violence by his ex-partner, he denies the facts.

"The deepest middle age – it's the way to publicly loot someone," says Winkens about the tabloid reports on the Rafreider case. #MeToo upsets everything, "from the joke to the grip of the thigh to rape."

In principle, according to Winkens, she finds "any campaign or initiative that opposes violence. #MeToo opposes violence against women, but should also be directed against violence. to men, because violence in general is devastating. " She herself now manages trauma and therapy well: "Today, I live a life that I appreciate, even if the way to go was long."

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