Heidi Klum surprises with selfie


The latest model Heidi Klum has been in the media mainly because of his relationship with Tom Kaulitz (28). But now, the 45-year-old has managed to surprise with a posting on Instagram. On the selfie in black and white can be seen with his former partner Flavio Briatore (68).

The photo on the left shows the face of a girl – maybe her 14-year-old daughter Leni, whose father is Briatore. If this is true, it could be the first time that father and daughter meet, because the former Formula 1 boss Leni probably never met before.

In 2016, he interviewed the Italian newspaper "Il Corriere della Sera" said: "It's hard to miss a baby you never see." Already at the birth of their daughter in May 2004, Klum and Briatore they were separated again. "Heidi lived in Los Angeles and I was in London, the distance between us was impbadable, Heidi met with Seal and he raised her," said Briatore in 2016. He could to be met Leni 14 years old for the first time … 19659004]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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