Heidi Klums secret diet: Thus, the quadruple mother remains thin


Heidi Klum has been successful in the modeling industry for decades. In interviews, the 45-year-old continues to point out that she loves German cuisine like the spaetzle and likes to have a glbad of beer for dinner. Nevertheless, the mummy dummy always shows in tight-fitting outfits on the red carpet or shoots for her fans revealing Instagram selfies, which is clear: A Heidi body is not a gram of fat too much.

An extreme diet, but they must not hold, as she revealed in the interview with "Entertainment Tonight". The Klum swears by three simple principles to help him keep his figure slim.

Three Meals

Heidi has a healthy smoothie for breakfast. Then follow "three big meals". However, snacks are taboo

Food stop

Heidi is pioneering through the day – but only until 18 hours. After that, fasting is announced. "I eat with my kids," she says in the interview. "I think it helps a bit, I do not eat at 8 or 9 pm, because if you do that, you drink a few glbades of wine, so your stomach is completely full and you have to go to bed." The one who eats early at night is, according to Heidi, something good for his digestion. "I think it's just better for your body."


Although Klum sometimes goes to the restaurant, she prefers to cook for herself and her family – and only with the best ingredients: "I cook a lot, because I know exactly what is included in the meal and that fresh ingredients have been used. " The disadvantage of the delivery service and Co: "You never know what is really in your food."

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