Heimspiel 2018: Hiking with Andrea Berg through the vineyards – Rems-Murr-Kreis


It's just before 11 o'clock. In the hall of the Hotel Sonnenhof there is a crowd of people. The program includes hiking with Andrea Berg and her husband Uli Ferber. "It's now a tradition," says Uli Ferber, equipped with leather pants, hiking boots and a blue and white checkered shirt.

"In the past, about 200 people were on a hike today, there are 600"

Over the 13 years of home play, hiking offers were becoming increasingly popular asked: "There used to be around 200 people on hikes today, there are 600." Even though his wife has a lot to do with the preparations for the concert, "she does not miss the hike. [19659004] She likes to be in touch with her fans, "says Uli Ferber About 4000 are housed in the surrounding hotels.According to the hotelier, there are several offers in the" Heimspielwoche ", such as walks and festivals from village square.

About 400 hotel guests will walk for about two hours that day. "The rest, who can not do this for health reasons, is driven to the Wengerterhäuschen." would be limited to 600 people – "more is not possible." Andrea Berg was at repeat itions for the show in the arena of mechatronics in the morning. Soon, she launched into a hiking outfit: leather pants, hiking boots, green and light blue checked blouse, and a shiny cape headdress.

Andrea Berg knows his fans

"Ah – Dusseldorf is here too … okay?" – the 52-year-old athlete knows his fans. From the hotel, the caravan leaves. Elvis, Simba and Bonny, the three dogs of Andrea Berg, jump in front. Autograph wants the singer does not meet that day. For this other events like the village festival are meant. Ferber: "Today we want to get together and have a good day."

The sun is shining, a breeze is blowing. The migrants speak to the singer. Tell him how often they have come to Aspach, or tell his love stories that are related to the artist. Berg: "You know," she says, "that's what's so beautiful, that during my concerts, souls meet, who go together."

Silvia and Frank Jädicke from Frankfurt-on -The Oder are in the traveling caravan. They signed up quickly: "We look forward to meeting Andrea and the atmosphere – it's something really great." From Harz Ute Kruse traveled with her friend, she comes for the first time to the match at home: "Now I can not wait to meet Andrea."

A call to DJ Bobo

There is a little break under a tree The singer takes advantage of the opportunity, picks up her phone portable and says, "I call the Bobo, he sees us." Because the singer, dancer and Swiss composer DJ Bobo, who participates again in the show, is in the hotel. " You see us? ", The singer asks in the mobile phone." It looks good, is not it? "

Always a holiday at the Sonnenhof, always in the same room and always visiting home – Hans-Jürgen Ludwig and his wife have been doing this for seven years.They come from Leipzig and enjoy the fresh air during the hike – but also "the Andrea's proximity. "

This is the third home game that Irene Loddenkötter from Münster (North Rhine-Westphalia) visits, but she is hiking the first time:" We always arrived later, but this time it fits perfectly. "She praises the hotel team organization:" My husband gets up by car and I walk. "She looks forward to the match at home Saturday, because her husband is celebrating his 60th birthday

A unique concept for the stage

Who decided to tour: Klaus Leutgeb from Graz. There is not one, but the one who designed the new scene of Andrea Berg . How did it happen? "At the opening of the ski in Ischgl last year, Andrea came to see me, I visited her here in Aspach.I was inspired by the cover of their album with the butterfly. and so we worked for months on this unique concept for the stage. "

The collaboration with Leutgeb is not new, he has already laid the groundwork for Atlantis, When hiking, he does not drive the dog Bonny leaves, but he invites hikers to want the show: "The scene is a technical marvel. This is the first and only real league, "enthused the Grazer.

" The effects and dimensions of the stage alone – I think that has never happened in Germany. "He likes to work with Andrea," he adds. "She always has a story to tell and you immediately captivate."

"We are safe with every song"

After 40 minutes of walking, a stop is The beer is poured and the water is poured in. Her husband Sieghard looks in the shade: "It's hot, but it's fine." They come from Linz on the Danube: "We appreciate the region here, it looks like ours. "They are big mountain fans, but then Sieghard Schmidt shows his" real hiking star "on his camera: the Bernese mountain dog Elvis

Conversations are not not killed on the way to the future: diehard fans are also six ladies from Dusseldorf.when she was not so well-known: 'We were in tents and pubs in Krefeld', say-

Women in Düsseldorf combine home-based play with spa vacations and a trip to Backnang. cert was the highlight: "Yes, I want. The feelings are confidential. Kilimanjaro – we are lyrical with each song. "

Arriving at the Wengerter-Schützenhäuschen, it smells like Göckele.The hikers take their places.Before being served, Andrea Berg congratulates the hikers:" You all bravely ran. I look forward to our time together and play at home. And now, the most important thing: Cheers, let him taste you. "

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