Here you can see the best blood moon


Himmelsgucker is expected to mark the red next Friday (July 27) in the newspaper: So the evening sky over Germany shows the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. We will tell you where to watch the show best.

The longest total end of the moon is imminent. The full moon will plunge completely into the shadow of the Earth for about two hours on July 27 in the hours leading up to midnight and will become coppery red, as reported by the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

A total of 103 minutes will be Sky Event last. It is only on the eve of the New Year 2028 that a lunar eclipse, similar to the present, will be observed in its comprehensive course in Central Europe. And only on June 9, 2123, according to DLR, there will be a lunar eclipse longer than three minutes.

When will the lunar eclipse take place?

After the full moon rises on the southeast horizon at 9:01 pm, it takes another half hour before the moon is completely submerged in the shadow of the earth. The sky is even clearer, since the so-called civil twilight has just begun.

At 21:30 the moon is completely in the shadow of the nucleus. The middle of the dark will be reached at 22.22 and the end of the totality at 23.13. From then on, the moon slowly emerges from the shadow of the Earth and becomes brighter as it goes. At 13:30, the darkness is over; the moon then completely left the penumbra.

In Germany, the moon will rise on July 27 in Munich at 8:48 pm, in Hamburg at 9:16 pm – the lunar eclipse has already begun. Astronomer Carolin Liefke of the House of Astronomy in Heidelberg announces that it is noticeably more red and darker.

At the end of the lunar eclipse, the moon and Mars are much higher. It is really dark and both are reddish. The show was to follow until midnight and people could watch the moon leave the shadow of the Earth

Time (CEST) Event
19.15 The Moon enters the shadows
20.24 [19659012] The Moon enters the shadows
21.01 Sunrise for 50 ° N, 10 ° W
21.09 Sunset for 50 ° N, 10 ° O
21.30 Start Totality
22.22 Peak of the lunar eclipse
23.13 End of the totality
0.19 Exit of the Moon from the Shadow of the Heart
1.30 Exit of the Partial Shadow Moon

Source: German Aerospace Center

The chances of seeing the sky show are not bad says Magdalena Bertelmann of the German Meteorological Service in Offenbach. This week, it will mostly clear up at night and there should be only a few clouds in the sky.

Where can we best observe darkness?

According to the DLR, the most favorable observing conditions for the forthcoming recording eclipse are in the south and east of Germany. South, because the moon reaches a maximum of 16 degrees above the horizon until the end of the total eclipse, to the east because it's Raises it earlier and that the darkness is more complete.

However, to the east and above In addition, in the far west, denser clouds darken the view, so that there is only A limited view of the moon, under certain circumstances, says Simon Trippler, a meteorologist at the German Meteorological Service (DWD)

. from the bay of Germany to the east of North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse to Lake Constance and Allgäu, the best chances of visibility exist.

In any case, according to experts from the German Aerospace Center to look for a place of observation, from which in the southeast direction a free view to the possible horizon and is the source of the light. With a binocular lunar eclipse is even more impressive to observe.

In full length one can experience partial and total lunar eclipse better in southeastern Europe; they will be clearly visible, especially in Greece and Turkey.

How are the temperatures on July 27th?

No one should freeze by watching the lunar eclipse Friday night and night. Temperatures are according to the German weather service at 20 hours forecast between 21 degrees in the south and 32 degrees in the west of Germany. At 23 hours, you can expect temperatures of 17 degrees at the edge of the Alps at 26 degrees to the northwest. The lowest temperatures of 14 degrees and 22 degrees are to be expected in the big cities in the morning

 Lunar eclipse: The image shows from top to bottom left the different phases of the l & # 39; 39, total lunar eclipse. (Source: dpa / Sven Hoppe) "src =" left-up-down-right-down-the-different-phases-of-the-total-moon-eclipse-.jpg "title =" Lunar eclipse: The image shows from top to bottom left the different phases of the total lunar eclipse. (Source: dpa / Sven Hoppe) "/> <span clbad= Lunar eclipse: The image shows the different phases of the total lunar eclipse from left to right down right (Source: Sven Hoppe / dpa)

Wie Eclipses are the result of the celestial interaction of the sun, the moon and the earth, and in a lunar eclipse, the earth stands on a straight line between the sun and the moon – so the full moon plunges into the shadows cast by the sun.

That a lunar eclipse does not always occur at the full moon is due to the slight inclination of the lunar orbit against the ecliptic – the plane of the Earth's orbit – because of this inclination of about five degrees the moon moves on Its orbit around the Earth is usually above or below the Shadow of the Earth.

Only when the full moon is exactly in one of the two intersections of the orbita plane l and from the orbit, she is captured by the shadow of the Earth. These intersections are also called "dragon points" – following Chinese mythology: At the sight of darkness, people of ancient China believed that a heavenly dragon was devouring the orb.

The eclipse of July 27 occurs at one time the moon pbades the farthest part of its orbit at a distance of about 406,000 kilometers.

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