High record: Google mother alphabet convinced by numbers – share after the record breaking hours | message


Alphabet was able to convince with his figures for the past quarter.
With advertising revenue in full swing, Google's parent business continues to grow rapidly, but the record fine imposed by the European Commission weighs on quarterly profit.

In the three months to the end of June, the surplus fell 9.3% year-over-year to $ 3.2 billion (2.7 billion euros), as the giant's 39, Internet Monday after the closure of the US market.

a good quarter to $ 32.7 billion. Despite the particular burden, market expectations have been clearly outpaced by high punishment.
Without the penalty of more than five billion dollars from the EU, which was recently imposed for abuse of power in the Android smart phone system against the Group, the quarterly profit would be $ 8.3 billion, by action, the result would be $ 11.75, Analysts had promised an average of $ 9.67. During the reference period of the previous year, there was 5.01 US dollars in the books.

The Internet giant's business figure rose to $ 26.24 billion, from $ 25.85 billion expected by experts. In the second quarter of 2017, Alphabet had spent $ 20.92 billion.

Although Alphabet wants to question the sanction of the European Commission, it nevertheless posted the burden on the balance sheet. Compared to the previous year 's result, the decline was still relatively moderate, because at that time, the quarterly result had also suffered a fine of one billion euros.

The Alphabet title temporarily gained more than five percent after the stock market and set a new OTC record.

Edition of finanzen.net with dpa material (AFX)

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Image sources: Alphabet Inc., ricochet64 / Shutterstock.com, Yeamake / Shutterstock.com [19659009] var initFB = true; SocialMedia = new function () {this.activateFB = function () {if (initFB) {$ (& # 39; head). Append ($ (& # 39; [ad_2]
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