HIV self-tests now available in pharmacies – Health


Experts hope to lower the threshold for HIV testing inhibition and thus make a significant contribution to the early detection of HIV infection. Because an early diagnosis has a positive effect on the success and quality of life of those affected.


HIV Self Tests: Do You Think It's Okay?

HIV Self-Screening Line: 0800 25 22 89 (Busy Monday to Friday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm)

Aidshilfen Austria:

It is estimated that between 8,000 and 9,000 people are living with HIV / AIDS in Austria. One to two new diagnoses are made daily. However, the timing of infection and diagnosis usually diverge: many people are diagnosed only when the disease is already advanced. This circumstance affects both the treatment and the living situation of those affected. Early diagnosis badociated with promptly initiated treatment is of great importance for the success of treatment and the quality of life of those affected.

How does the HIV self test

The HIV self test is an antibody test that excludes HIV infection 12 weeks after the last exposure. It can take a long time for the formation of antibodies that the test will detect.

The test can be performed quickly and easily. A drop in the fingertip removes a drop of blood for testing. According to the test, HIV status will be displayed in a few minutes. In order for the test to be performed properly at home and clients having the necessary information, a prior discussion with the pharmacist is necessary.

Positive test result! What to do now?

Positive HIV self-test does not mean HIV diagnosis! If the HIV self-test shows a positive result, it must be verified by another lab test. The experts advise in these cases to quickly consult a doctor and / or a treatment center of the Austrian AIDS Society (ÖAG) or Aids Hilfe

Wolfgang Wilhelm, President of Aids Hilfe Wien: "The Aidshilfe teams Austria offer free and anonymous help support In addition, we have set up a national service of self help HIV to Aids Hilfe Wien to answer all questions about the use, the shelf life and storage, the safety of the tests, the diagnostic window and the procedure for a reactive result. "

19659007] The threshold of inhibition to perform even an HIV test should be lowered. "For many people, an HIV test at the doctor means a certain degree of overshoot.That's why many are not even tested.By the HIV self-test, now available in pharmacy, it will be It is possible for those concerned to learn as soon as possible about HIV infection and seek treatment, and for me, HIV self-testing is an important step in the fight against AIDS and HIV. " said Federal Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection Beate Hartinger-Klein.

Training Pharmacists

In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Physicians, the Austrian Society for the Fight against AIDS and Aids Hilfe, the Pharmacists Chamber has developed certified training courses for pharmacists . Customer information brochures have also been created. Regional trainings and online training sessions are constantly on offer, "says Ulrike Mursch-Edlmayr, President of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists.

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