HPV: test detects cervical cancer more reliable – health


  • The German standard smear for the early detection of cervical cancer is longer term less reliable than a test for human papillomavirus. This is the result of a clinical study of Canada
  • The best test method has been discussed for years
  • A new regulation is already planned for Germany

It is common in the life of many German women: Every year, the gynecologist who is then examined for the modified cells. Whether it really is the best way to detect cervical cancer in time, has been controversial for years. A new study could feed the discussion.

According to the article published in the review Jama the common cervical smear is less reliable in the long run than a human papillomavirus (HPV) test. These pathogens account for 99% of all cancers of the cervix of the uterus.

The HPV vaccine is safe and effective

There have been vaccines against cervical cancer. But not all young women use them. A global review proves once again the effectiveness and safety of drugs.

By Hanno Charisius

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Physicians in Canada examined 19,000 women and randomly applied either the conventional method or the test for viruses. Depending on the outcome of the test, women were referred for further examination and treatment or received emergency treatment. At the latest after four years, the participants were re-examined – this time with both procedures, to be on the safe side. It was found that in the HPV test group, only half of the women had a precancerous lesion as in the Pap group. The virus test identified the women at risk more reliably at the initial examination and allowed them to be treated with caution.

At the same time, the study seems to qualify a criticism of the HPV test. Until now, it was feared that his high sensitivity would be bought by many false alarms. Women who are in good health would be falsely given a positive test result and should undergo unnecessary surgery, depending on the concern. In the present study, however, the number of interventions – measured over the entire period – was about the same in both groups

The best method of early detection was the subject of debate during years. Regulations vary from country to country. In the United Kingdom, for example, HPV testing is recommended and in a number of countries both methods are recommended. In Germany, it is planned to offer women from age 35 a combination of HPV tests and Pap tests in the future. Younger women should continue to be studied using the traditional method.

Discussion would be less urgent if more people were vaccinated against HPV. Currently, only 45% of girls in Germany are protected. As a result, the vaccine recommendation was extended to boys a few days ago.

HPV vaccine for boys is late

Immunization against carcinogenic viruses is now also recommended in boys. Anyone wondering should wonder why the responsibility has been imposed so long only on girls?

Comment by Berit Uhlmann

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