Ikea recalls the Pendla electric scooter – help.ORF.at


The furniture dealer Ikea recalled an electric scooter modeled Pendla. Customers who purchased the product should definitely report it. You will receive the purchase price in return. The scooter could break, badociated with a risk of falling, as it is called in a show.

Swedish furniture store incidents were known with the Pendla electric scooter, which had come to break the foot of the bed. This was in addition to falls and injuries. For this reason, the product will be recalled.

  Ikea Pendla electric scooter


The scooter can be returned without invoice

Risk of falling and injury

is on the market since July 2017. The electric scooter Pendla has been sold alongside Austria in Sweden, Iceland and Portugal. Customers are requested to discontinue use of the product and return it for full refund of the purchase price in any Ikea store in Austria. An invoice is not necessary, "said Petra Axdorff, responsible for the responsible business sector.

For more information, please visit Ikea's website or call 0800/081 061.


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