IKEA trouble! Confusion on the tweet of revenge in Sweden – 2018 World Cup


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The Englishman Harry Maguire

07. July 2018 18h30;
Law: 07.07.2018 18:31
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England is in the semifinals of the World Cup after a 2-0 win over Sweden. Harry met Maguire. Suddenly, a tweet of revenge appeared.

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Many people are familiar with this situation: After buying from IKEA, you have problems badembling the acquired items. This is apparently what happened to the player of the British Harry Maguire team two years ago. The 25-year-old man vowed to take revenge in a tweet. But the display seems to be a fake.

The tweet of 2016 states: "It took me four hours to bademble a table lamp myself, and I will take revenge on the entire Swedish nation in this life or in the next.

Revenge followed in the quarter-finals of the World Cup. Maguire led his "Three Lions" 1-0 against Sweden in front. It was the first goal of the national team for 25 years.

But revenge should not have been so great. The Maguire tweet should not have written. A joker was allowed a joke at the expense of the Swedish furniture store.

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