In addition to Innsbruck, Wien & Villach has also benefited from the international breakthrough in the transfer market.


(Ebel / compact) PM: In addition to Innsbruck, the capitals of Vienna and the VSV of the EC have also taken the opportunity to tinker with their executives.


(Photo: archives)

The Spusu capitulants of Vienna have reacted to their last five defeats by conceding the most goals (27) of the twelve clubs in the league and have recruited a new defender with the American Patrick Mullen. The 32-year-old arrived in Europe for the first time in 2016, where he defended here for Riga (KHL), Linköping (SWE) and Mannheim (DEL). He spent most of his career in the American Hockey League (American League), where he scored between 2009 and 2017 in 414 missions and 183 points (41T / 142A). "After the defeats of defensemen Marc-André Dorion and Mat Clark, linked to the injury, it was time to strengthen the defense.With Patrick Mullen, we were able to engage in favor of an experienced right-back, who has not only 414 appearances in the AHL on the business card, but who also knows European hockey, "said Franz Kalla, managing director of spusu Vienna Capitals. Patrick Mullen ends his first practice session on Friday with the Vienna capitals spusu.

Due to Christof Kromp's long-term injury, CE Panaceo VSV had to actively engage in the transfer market and forced the American Kevin Goumas to test.

The 26-year-old forward serving the center and wing began his hockey career at Canterbury School and Indiana Ice before settling in at the University of New Hampshire. He spent four seasons there and scored exactly the same amount of points in 146 games (44 goals and 102 badists).

Then Goumas followed the call in the AHL where he made his debut in Michi Raffl's team, the Adirondack Phantoms. In the 2014/2015 season, he played for the first time a full season in the American Hockey League. In the Phantoms jersey of the Lehigh Valley, he stormed VSV striker Brandon Alderson. In total, Goumas scored 132 inserts in the AHL and scored 34 points (13 goals and 21 badists).

In 2016, the keen striker went to Europe for the first time, to Mora in the Allsvenskan (second Swedish championship). With 14 goals and 30 badists in the first round, six more goals and three badists in the playoffs, Goumas played an important role in the rise of Mora within the SHL. The following summer, however, he suffered a setback. Due to a knee injury, the Americans missed all of last season.

Goumas worked hard for his return, which he finally succeeded this year in Björklöven. After eight missions, however, separated and thus seized the VSV. After extensive medical exams and a few units on the ice, head coach Gerhard Unterluggauer decided to give Kevin Goumas a test contract for the next ten games.

Online hockey logo at about is an Austrian magazine on ice hockey and is currently reviewing the sport of ice hockey in Austria, the Erste Bank Eishockey League (EBEL), the Alpine Hockey League (AHL) and the Hockey League. Austrian national team.

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