In Sardinia: George Clooney launched a scooter accident on the windshield


H Olympic star George Clooney had an accident with his scooter according to the information of the Italian media in Sardinia. The actor was injured in a collision with a Mercedes in Costa Corallina, on the northeastern coast of the Mediterranean island, reported Tuesday the Italian agency AGI. The driver of the car had called an ambulance, which brought Clooney to the hospital. His wife Amal rushed to the clinic, local newspaper "La Nuova Sardegna" reported. After treatment, he was released from the hospital.

The doctors recommended physiotherapy. According to a report from the ANSA news agency, computerized tomography revealed no bone fractures and only a slight bruise on one knee.

Northeast Sardinia is a popular destination for wealthy tourists. Clooney, however, is not for recreation on the island, but for the filming of the series "Catch 22."

In 2008, Clooney was already involved in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey. At that time, he made a broken rib, his partner then, Sarah Larson, broke his foot.

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