In the video: this is the iPhone XR from the inside


Since October 19, you can officially pre-order the iPhone XR. A week later, from October 26, it was finally put on sale. Usually, there is already fast after the delivery or launch of the first photos and videos of the inner workings of each new iPhone – and the iPhone XR is no different.

Already on September 12, the iPhone XR was being presented as part of the "special event" at the Steve Jobs Theater. Unlike the iPhone X and X Max, however, we had to wait a little longer before we could hold it in our hands for the first time. But now, the first devices have been delivered and the sale of the iPhone XR has officially begun.

Here's what the iPhone XR looks like from the inside

And of course, the first dismantling did not take long. The supplier has screwed the device to the device directly after the launch.

The video shows: As with the iPhone Xs and Xs Max, Apple is counting more and more on glue to keep the elements together. Thus, the iPhone XR is even more difficult to repair than previous models to the iPhone X. Independent repairs of amateurs are hardly recommended – too big is the risk of permanent damage. In addition, he loses any claim under the warranty.

Regarding the battery: on the iPhone Xs and Xs Max, it's not quite L-shaped. In the inner life can be between different models of the current generation of iPhone so make some differences visually.

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