Increased Sales and New Patterns at Vorarlberger Group Julius Blum | Mechanical Engineering | sectors


During the 2017/2018 fiscal year (as of June 30, 2018), the Vorarlberg hardware manufacturer group Julius Blum GmbH, which is present worldwide, increased its sales by 1.8% to 1.839 billion euros (previous year: 1.888 billion euros). The family business usually does not give any information on the profit situation. Managing Director Gerhard E. Blum has expressed himself in favor of a strong Europe at the annual press conference.

Taking into account currency effects, sales rose 5%, Blum pointed to the strong euro of the past fiscal year. In North and South America, for example, sales figures in national currencies have increased, but converted into euros, we must accept a decline. 97% of sales were made abroad, of which 48% in the EU and 15% in the United States. In total, Blum is active in more than 120 countries

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million. Blum has announced plans to work on Africa in the future. It was "the last white spot". It is expected in the short and medium term, no big business, but experience has shown: "Where you were not there early, you have bad cards later," Blum said.

Economic development is fraught with difficulties, The CEO addressed the unresolved settlement of Brexit, the rise of nationalism and populism, but also the expansion of punitive tariffs. "It would be important at the moment to have a strong Europe in equilibrium with the United States and China, and if we do not do it, we will go into oblivion," he said. Mr. Blum, without illusions. Regarding punitive tariffs, Blum said: "There will only be losers in the spiral of sanctions, not winners."

The Blum group invested 216 million euros last year, including 182.5 million euros in Vorarlberg, among other things, the new stamping plant was carried out in Dornbirn. In the medium term, it will be difficult in Vorarlberg to open other major works, because simply the areas are not there for, so Blum. The Group's workforce increased from 324 to 67,611 during the 2017/18 financial year. In Vorarlberg, where 5,769 people work for the company, 239 new employees joined the team.

At the end of the press conference, Gerhard E. Blum said goodbye to the journalists present. Next year, someone else sits on the podium – Blum had already announced in May that from July 1, 2018, his son Philipp and his nephew Martin with him will form the direction. Gerhard E. Blum will retire from the operational level next year. "We are convinced that we have prepared the estate well, and we will see in four or five years if we have done well," he said.

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