Influenza 2018: What vaccine users should know about vaccination


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Hello, opponents of the vaccine – these 7 responses to the flu are especially for you

Daniel Huber /

Many people do not want to be vaccinated – for different reasons. However, the highly contagious flu ("flu") is often underestimated because you like to confuse them with a flu-like infection ("the cold") harmless. Influenza seriously weakens the immune system and can lead to life-threatening complications.

Although the vaccine does not provide 100% protection against infection, it is the best medicine for the flu. The vaccine is most effective if it is taken before the onset of the flu episode, preferably between mid-October and mid-November. It is recommended to those who want to protect themselves and do not want to infect others. If you belong to a risk group (see point 5), vaccination is urgently needed.

What is the effectiveness of the flu shot?

The vaccine can not provide absolute protection because influenza viruses mutate, so the immune system can not always detect and fight it reliably. The effectiveness also depends on the viruses that circulate and the coverage by the vaccine. Coverage varies from year to year but often exceeds 90%.

In addition, other factors such as the age of the vaccinee influence its effectiveness: it is lower in the elderly. Therefore, the effectiveness of the vaccine for a given season can not be quantified accurately – according to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), it decreases the rates of
young adults, the risk of illness of 70 to 90%, in the elderly of
30-50 percent.

However, if it is a disease despite the vaccine, the symptoms are often
weakened. In addition, serious complications are less common.

Can the vaccine have side effects?

Yes. About one-third of those vaccinated have redness and slight swelling or pain at the injection site. They disappear within a few hours to two days and require no treatment.

Nausea, rash, edema, allergic asthma or – usually with an allergy already present – are more rarely badociated with a severe allergic reaction. If you are suffering from serious side effects, you should consult a doctor.

It is extremely rare that it is a case of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) – about one in a million cases vaccinated. However, GBS occurs much more often as a result of a complication of an influenza infection. The vaccine therefore protects more from the GBS than it triggers. In all cases, the risk of serious complications of influenza is much higher than that of serious side effects of the vaccine.

Can the vaccine trigger the flu?

No, it is not possible. The vaccine, which stimulates the immune system to produce specific antibodies, consists of inactivated virus fragments from various strains of influenza viruses. You can not cause the flu.

Why do vaccinated people sometimes have flu-like symptoms?

Five reasons can lead to:

Insufficient coverage: If the vaccine does not completely cover circulating virus strains, it provides only partial protection.

Low protection: Elderly or immunocompromised individuals only manifest after immunization if their immune system is weakened and are only partially protected. However, if they contract the flu, the symptoms are less and less likely to cause complications.

Vaccination time: It takes about two weeks for the immune system to develop. In this time, you can be infected.

Side effects of vaccination: Five to ten percent of the vaccinees may react with fever, muscle aches or mild discomfort. These symptoms are usually harmless and disappear shortly thereafter.

cold: Often a harmless cold is mistaken for the flu because the symptoms are similar. However, colds rarely cause complications.

Who should be vaccinated?

Those who belong to a risk group must be vaccinated. This concerns:

  • People over 60
  • Pregnant women from the second trimester (the baby is then also protected during the first months of life)
  • Preterm babies from six months in the first two seasons of influenza
  • chronically ill
  • Overweight people with a BMI greater than 40
  • medical staff and caregivers because they have an increased risk of infection. They also have a greater risk of infecting patients.
  • Residents of retirement and care homes

Where we already talk about health:

Should I be vaccinated, although you do not belong to any risk group?

If you come into contact with people at increased risk of complications at home or at work, you must get vaccinated. How can you stop infecting such vulnerable people?

In healthy children and young adults in good health, seasonal flu usually presents no complications. His symptoms are uncomfortable. In addition, a vaccination in the autumn can prevent, for example, during the winter holidays, the flu.

When should NOT be vaccinated?

Those who have had a severe allergic reaction to any of the vaccines during a previous flu shot should not be vaccinated. This also applies to people who are very allergic to egg white.

If you have a high fever, you must wait with the vaccine until it is reduced. Otherwise, vaccine protection could be reduced.

On the other hand, during pregnancy and badfeeding, the influenza vaccine can be manufactured without hesitation. It is recommended to protect the mother and the newborn from the flu.

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