Ingress Prime: Here's how the new Pokemon Go-Makers game works


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Pokeom Go too Entrance played on the smartphone. Once again, the player moves into the real world to use the portals to his advantage. If he hacks the portals, he receives new game objects, such as weapons and so-called resonators. By placing a resonator, a portal is conquered, with weapons the enemy portals can be neutralized. The game is accompanied by videos that we science fiction story talk about both factions.

Innovations at Entrance first

The new version of the game, Entrance Prime, do not change the basic principle of the gameplay. The most notable change is that the user interface has been significantly enriched: in the 3D view The portals are now more impressive than the predecessor, with a zoom out, however, the presentation changes to one. 2D view in flight of bird – in the preliminary test of the

futurezone helped find the nearest portal.

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