Interview with dermatologist Eberhard Dielmann: "The sun makes the soul happy"



Too much sun can be dangerous for humans. Anyone who underestimates UV radiation, catching sunburns for years and years, can develop long-term skin cancer. The number of people affected has been steadily increasing since 1970. At present, in Germany alone, 20,000 people develop blacks every year, and even 200,000 people suffer from the disease. 39, a cancer of the white skin. Our colleague Robin Klöppel met up with the experienced dermatologist Eberhard Dielmann to find out if sunbathing is recommended. Limburger, aged 68, considers that, as with everything, it makes sense to find a healthy mediocrity

if one reads the dangers of skin cancer. Is it even worth it for people to tolerate the sun?

EBERHARD DIELMANN: The Son makes the soul joyful. Thanks to the light, psycho-substances are released into the brain, making love life. In addition, the body needs sunlight to be able to form vitamin D. People without sunlight lack calcium in their bones. The sun has fallen into disrepute in recent years. But it's like everything. It is a healthy mediocrity. Normally, our body protects us from too much UV rays on the skin. The fact that the pigment system reacts protects the core from too much energy. This is shown by the tanning of the skin. Gently leaving the skin in the sun is the best protection against cancer.

What is the best way to manage the sun?

DIELMANN: Anyone who treats the sun properly does not need to be afraid of skin cancer. A danger is when the sun is constantly extremely high and goes down, with farmers, foresters, sailors and other people who are professionally exposed to many hours of full sun. From a sunburn, nobody will have skin cancer. But people who have been around for decades, of course, there is an increased risk. If the skin shows no burning, it's actually a good sign that you can cope with the sun.

Blessed with the good weather

Between 500 and 1000 visitors come to the outdoor pool Elzer the good days. But everything must be correct: the temperature and the color of the sky. Older guests also come for a completely different reason, knows the lifeguard Mark Kraus.


How long can you go to the sun?

DIELMANN: It varies and depends on the type of skin. People with few pigments, such as blue-eyed redheads, catch the sunburn much more easily than the naturally darker Arab-Italian type or even the African type. Albinos do not have any skin pigment. We should get out of the sun when the skin begins to stretch and burn easily. Of course, you should use sunscreen, but do not overdo it. Because those who are constantly lubricated with sunscreen with SPF 50, in which may also not form vitamin D or tan together. You do not really have to shit yourself in the sun for the sun, you have to become a sofa potato. But if you do not care about sunburn prevention, you should expect to have skin cancer one day. Cortisone creams can bring relief to the symptoms of sunburn quickly. Anyone wishing to detect skin cancer at an early stage and wishing to increase their chances of recovery in case of illness: health insurance companies now pay all patients skin cancer screening every two years .

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