iOS 11.4.1 and macOS 10.13.6: Beta 5 for published developers


News and rumors: July 2, 2018, Jonny Random

  iOS 11 on the iPad Pro, Image: Apple "title =" iOS 11 on the iPad Pro, Image: Apple "/> 

<p> iOS 11 on the iPad Pro, Image : Apple </p>
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<p clbad= It's still possible to see if they solve some of the known problems.

Apple used this Monday night to redistribute the betas for its legacy system versions.

Updates are initially available for registered developers and can be downloaded as soon as a valid developer profile is on their device.

iOS 11.4.1 Beta 5 has no significant new features, at least according to the own Apple release notes [iOS19659005] Thus, iOS 11.4 has shown with some users a lack of above-average power.The battery has been dumped in a few hours.Some users want a Zusa The networks at 5 GHz should accelerate the discharge of the battery

Details at this subject are still unknown.

Other users have encountered problems with the camera application on iOS 11.4: The viewfinder

It must be shown if Apple worked here

Beta also for macOS [19659012] In addition, Apple has also released a new beta for the Mac tonight. macOS 10.13.6 Beta 5 does not contain any documented changes either. It is likely that Apple will improve the performance, security and stability of your Mac here.

Public Betas for volunteers will likely be available in the evening or during the Apple Day of tomorrow. be made available for download.

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