iPhone 2019: Why the 5G is still in two years


News and rumors: October 25, 2018, Jonny Random

In November 2017, Intel announced significant progress in its

In November 2017, Intel announced significant advances in the wireless product roadmap to accelerate the adoption of 5G. The Intel® 5G Modem, the Intel® 5G Modem announced at CES 2017, now allows calls to be successfully made in the 28 GHz band. (Intel Corporation)

Apple could already bring the next year 5G into the iPhone. But it's probably not like that. It seems rather possible that Apple will choose 2020 as the start date of the 5G in the iPhone.

The next-generation 5G mobile phone network, which will be based on 4G technology, will also be launched in the coming years in Germany. At present, the large-scale conflict between business and politics is intensifying over the expansion strategy to be chosen.

If the parties do not fully disperse and do not completely block, the first data services will probably be available next year.

Even the first ready-to-market modems will be ready to be used in the smartphone at that time, but will they come on the iPhone?

Why the 5G in the 2019 iPhone is still unlikely

Midway, the availability of Qualcomm's 5G modems for smartphone is reserved for 2019. But those who know the relationship between Apple and Qualcomm will not believe in a renewed relationship of supply between companies, especially with respect to the strategy of Apple, which is more conservative when it comes to new technologies or mobile frequencies.

Then there are the modems of MediaTek: Apple would like to bring unconfirmed reports to MediaTek modems in the iPhone, if you do not stay with Intel, but it would be a first appearance, you barely have it. entering a new generation to commit to a new mobile standard.

And finally Intel: There you are working on a 5G modem, at the end of last year, you signal significant progress, but the chip will it be ready for the market when the new iPhone arrives?

Unclear – so also the prospect of the 5G in the iPhone from 2019.

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